That’s apparently not satisfactory because he fists my long hair and jerks my head back until I can see his eyes. They blaze like the hot, blue fire at the center of a flame.

“Say. The. Words,” he growls. “I want to hear it from those full red lips.” His thumb swipes over my bottom lip, and I openmy mouth and take the tip inside. Riggs’s nostrils flare when I take it deeper, sucking hard and cupping my tongue around the pad.

Then I release it and drop a hand between us to grip his hard length. And it is quite… lengthy. And girthy.Holy shit, he’s going to break me with that thing.

My voice is raspy and sweet. “Please fuck me with this big, hard cock, Riggs.”

His chest rumbles in satisfaction, and he drops my leg, taking a couple steps back as he shrugs off his jacket. “Undress, baby.”

I’ve never gotten into it when a man calls me baby, but I’m fucking into it now. Riggs Romero could recite a list of cleaning products with that deep voice, and I’d bow at his feet and beg for more.

I can’t help but stare when he tugs off his sweater. The veins of his forearms are barely covered by the perfect smattering of dark hair, and I want to trace each one with my tongue.

Riggs looks up at me and lifts an eyebrow, like he’s waiting for something. I have the feeling I’m supposed to be doing something, but this damn sexual brain fog has my head in the clouds. Oh. Wait. He told me to get undressed.

“Sorry,” I say sheepishly. “You distracted me with your forearm porn show.”

His mouth quirks up on one side, and I’ll be damned; smug looks good on Riggs Romero. Damn good.

“After reading your books, I’ve always wondered if you had a forearm fetish,” he tells me, stepping forward with mischief in his eyes.

I lower my eyebrows. “It’s really more of an appreciation than a fetish. But they have to be good forearms, muscled, veiny.” He props one hand against the wall beside my head, and I’m momentarily distracted by the muscled, veiny armright fucking there.

Continuing, I say, “They have to have the perfect amount of hair, just a dusting.”Like yours.“Not Chewbacca-level. And some…” I pause when he places his other hand on the wall, and now there are two orgasm-inducing forearms bracketing my face. “Some well-placed tats are always good,” I squeak a second before I turn my head and bite his left arm, circling my tongue against the warm skin between my teeth.

We both groan when I release him and trace one bulging vein with the tip of my tongue. “God. Damn,” he grunts as I move to the sensitive underside and lap at another vessel.

Then his arms are gone, and his fingers rip my T-shirt over my head.

“You seem a little impatient, Riggs. You’re not a premature ejaculator, are you?” I ask in a teasing voice as he makes quick work of my pants.

They fall to the floor, and his eyes rove my body, clad only in a nude bra and panty set. “I’ve never had that problem before,” he assures me as his gaze roams. “But I’m not making any promises with you, Libby. I’m ready to blow right now. You are fucking stunning.”

I can feel the flush from desire and his praise rising up my neck, and he traces the pink flow with gentle fingers.

Then he drops to his knees, anddear lord!My panties are drenched.

“I’ve been dreaming of how your pussy would taste when it melts on my tongue,” Riggs says, sliding my underwear down my legs.

“I… oh!” I yelp when he hauls my left leg over his shoulder. “That, um, sounds like something you should investigate.”

“Oh, I plan to, Libby-girl. Thoroughly.” He licks the arousal from the inside of my thigh, and my standing leg almost buckles. “I just need to get close enough to the target.”

Holy fucking hell.I hope he’s not all talk and knows how to actually locatethe target.

That hope is fulfilled when he drags his tongue through the lips of my sex and immediately zeros in on my clit.

“Oh. Wow. You… you found it,” I pant, grinning goofily as my head falls back against the door. “Congratulations, you’re now in the top tenth percentile of men in the world.”

He closes his eyes and savors me with another long lick. “Mmmm, baby, I’m going to eat you so good and make you come so hard, I’ll skyrocket into the top one percent before your legs stop shaking.”

Mother of fuck!That was a damn good line, and I kinda want to pull a Gemma and write it down to use in a book. But all thoughts of writing are dispelled as Riggs really starts to go to town on my sex.

He shoves his entire face between my legs and licks me like a man possessed. His frequent hums of pure pleasure make my clit throb in time with my racing heartbeat. He’s enjoying himself as much as I am.

With one hand, I grip the top of the door frame to steady myself, and with the other, I thread my fingers through his hair. It’s thick and soft, just like I knew it would be on those nights I fantasized about this.

“Mmmmm, this is the best pussy I’ve ever tasted,” Riggs moans against me. “I want to eat it until I get fucking lockjaw.”