Page 74 of Richard

His excitement could not be contained. She had reluctantly agreed to stop going into the office when she reached her eighth month. He had been true to his word and had someone turn one of the rooms into an office for her.

“What is it?”

“Indigestion, I think. I have been having them on and off since yesterday.”

Ruth came forward, her eyes anxious.

“Don’t start," her daughter-in-law warned. “I have enough of it from your son.”

“Darling, you are two weeks away from your due date.”

“Precisely. And I know my body. Ryan is not ready to meet the world yet.” She patted her distended stomach. “Isn’t that right, sweetie?”

“We should call Richard.”

“No! He is working with this new group and does not need the interruption. I am fine. I bet it’s that salami sandwich I ate just before coming here.” She turned toward the large, airy kitchenwith the pretty floral yellow and white wallpaper.

“Ms. Hall is ecstatic about her new territory.” She added, trying to distract Ruth from the worry etched on her face. Moving was completed, and the house was ready to be occupied. The press had gotten wind of the fact that she was pregnant and they were going crazy.

Three weeks ago, Collette had stopped going out in public because of the pressure as well as the fact that her ankles were swollen most of the time. Richard was determined to keep her safe and took his job seriously. Her husband refused to go away without her. He was sticking close to home.

He came with her to every appointment and was very attentive. He had gotten rid of the fear that he was going to hurt her, and they made love almost every night. Her nipples, swollen in preparation for lactation, were super sensitive, and only his mouth on them could ease the ache.

“The place is wonderful.” Ruth walked over to the window and stared out at the terrain, a pleased expression on her face. She had hired the best landscaper, and the carpet-like texture of the grass, the brilliance of the different flowers, was a testament to ajob well done.

“My dear, I–”A gasp ended the sentence when she saw her daughter-in-law panting.

“Oh, good God! What is it?” she cried.

“Call Richard,” she said agonizingly. “I don’t think it’s indigestion.”


“Shh, darling.” Richard was trying not to show his anxiety as he mopped his wife’s brow. It was approaching six hours since she had been admitted, and still nothing. The doctors kept reassuring them that this was normal.

“It’s her first baby, and because of her maturity, it’s taking longer than usual. But the baby is in a good position; he is just takinghis time.”

“She is exhausted," he gritted.

“I am okay, honey.” Collette took his hand and kissed it reassuringly. “Very soon, we will meet our son, and all of this will be worth it.”

He didn’t care about any of that. He just wanted her out of danger. She was not feeling pain because of the epidural, but her body was ragged. He could tell she was weary. The day had bled into the next, and it was early morning, and she was still not fully dilated.

“Baby.” He kissed her moist temple. “I cannot bear to see you like this.”

“Want to switch places?” she asked teasingly.

“Happily," he said feelingly.

“You are just saying- Oh!”

“What is it?” His eyes swung to the doctors. “What the hell is going on?”

“I can see the head,” the doctor told her happily. “Get ready to push when we give you the word Collette.”


Three months later…