“You won’t lose me.”
“You cannot guarantee that Collette, and I am unreasonable when it comes to that kind of thinking.” His fingers tightened on her face.
“You are not going to lose me.” She repeated firmly. “And I am not going to close my mouth about your behavior any longer. I got sick; it happens. I am pregnant. Deal with it. I want to be treated like your wife, Richard. I want you to make love to me, not treat me like some fragile piece of glass that’s going to be broken at the slightest touch.
I want to feel you driving deep inside me, touching my womb the way you used to. I want your mouth on my breasts, giving me the most wonderful pleasure I have ever known.” She inched closer to him, one knee bending until she was touching his hard thighs. “And I want it now.”
He felt faint with need. It had been over a week since he made love to her, and he was dying. He went to bed hard and woke up with an ache that was designed to drive him crazy.
“No.” Her hand found the steely length of him, and he almost fainted. When she rubbed the pad of her thumb over his glans, he inhaled harshly, his body splintering. With a tortured groan, he covered her body with his and, in one smooth motion, was deep inside her.
He behaved differently after that morning. He still hovered but tried not to be overbearing. She exercised caution and promised that she would not overdo it. The weather improved as spring finally made its presence felt.
He was required to entertain but insisted on hiring caterers so that she did not have to overexert herself. They were also indemand as a couple, but he would have his assistant sift through the invitations and accept just enough and no more.
They were frequently photographed and then it became necessary for them to tell members of their families the good news.
She wasn’t exactly showing yet but was getting there. She was almost five months pregnant, and it showed in her breasts and the slight mound of her stomach. In her second trimester, she experienced another set of symptoms. Her craving was getting crazy, and her appetite had improved.
Both her mother-in-law and sister were excited over the news, even though Collette detected a certain wistfulness on Janice’s face.
“I am happy for you, really I am, just sorry that I will never be able to have a child of my own.” She had summoned up a smile. “But I am going to be the best aunt in the world, you’ll see.”
It was difficult for Ruth not to tell her friends and take out an announcement in the papers, but she was admonished to keep it to herself.
“Darlings, nothing is going to go wrong,” she protested. “And I want to shout it to the world.”
“No," her son said firmly. “We want to wait. As soon as it’s made known that Collette is pregnant, the press will start to hound her again. I cannot have that.”
Babs was over the moon. “Honey, the Lord has been so good to you. A rich and loving husband and now a baby on the way? What more could you ask for?”
“A house.” She said weakly. “Richard's loft is the height of luxury, but I want somewhere with lots of yard space for our child to be able to run around.”
“Then tell him,” she advised.
But she didn’t have to. Unknown to her, Richard was in negotiations to purchase a house. A former movie producer was leaving the country for a warmer climate and had told Richard about it. “I am selling the place, putting it on the market.”
“I might be interested.”
It was in an exclusive neighborhood, and the property itself was spectacular. The house would need some fixing up, but he was determined to have it ready before the baby was born.
He took Collette to show her the place one afternoon.
“What do you think?”
“I love it!’ She turned to face him. “How did you know what I wanted?”
Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her gently. “I always knowwhat you want.”
Collette rubbed her swollen abdomen absently as she examined the sprawling ranch-type interior of her new home. Her husband had used his tremendous influence to get things moving, and everything was now up and ready.
Her husband’s fears were allayed because he had insisted on a series of tests being carried out to determine if their baby was going to be healthy. All his misgivings were laid to rest when he discovered that they were having a son.