Page 62 of The Enforcer

“Di cosa stai parlanda?” I groan.

“Got it,” Zoe says, taking the key from Sara’s hand.


“Do you want to go on a tour?” Alfonso asks.

“Not really, no.”

“We can take a boat to the other side of the island. You should see Anacapri.”


He goes quiet, and I let him figure out an answer.

While Alfonso is trying to convince me to put on clothes and shoes and maybe even a little makeup so that we can pretend to be tourists, I’m floating in a warm pool. There’s a canopy above us blocking the sun, but I close my eyes and just coast. Like the boat, this is the kind of vacation I needed.

“I don’t know, but I think you should see it,” he says weakly.

I sigh and sink under the water. Alfonso’s sitting on the edge of the pool, and I swim toward his feet. When I pop up next to him, he jumps, even though we both know that he’s been hovering on the edge of the pool, watching me like a hawk. I cross my arms and rest the side of my head on them, looking up at him.

Alfonso is staring at the water, trying to see my body clearly through the shimmering blue.

“Is there a reason you want to play the happy tourist?”

He shakes his head. “The island is beautiful. I just thought you’d want to see it.”

“That’s sweet.” I push away from the edge and then slide between his legs. He gulps and straightens his back, but his hands move to his lap to cover the erection tenting his shorts. I’ve already seen it, though. “Do you think that a famous American singer brought her Italian lover here to go on a sightseeing tour?”

He rolls his eyes and looks away, but only for a moment. I’ve been told that my cleavage looks great between a man’s legs, and Alfonso seems to agree.

“The rumors could be a lie,” he said.

“Not if I have anything to do with it.”

His eyes lift to my face, and he looks like he’s fighting some battle behind his eyes. I would wonder why, but I think I’ve already figured it out. I move my right hand to his left knee and rub his thigh softly. He curses lightly and grabs the bulge between his legs.

I want to laugh, but I also want to take this seriously, even though I’m not sure why.

Alfonso’s face is turning red, and he’s sweating, but his gaze is focused on me. We’re concentrating on this together.

I cup his knee with my palm and set my nails against his skin. I take a moment, and then I dig my nails in deep.

He sucks in a sharp breath and holds it, but he doesn’t blink.

I dig my nails in deeper. And deeper.

I can see his hand working over his erection.

“Exhale,” I tell him, and the air rushes out in a great moaning gust. I move the hand he’s using to hide his erection out of the way so I can see. He’s using his flattened palm to rub the length of his shaft furiously up and down.

I lick my lips and pull the hand I’m holding into the water, and his fingers snake into my bathing suit top. He starts massaging my breast and rolling my nipple between his digits. I release the pressure of my nails.

“Don’t,” he whispers. “Please.”

“You like pain?” I ask him gently.

“I—” He licks his lips and shifts his eyes away.