Well, that won’t do. I dig my nails into his skin again.
He moans and brings his gaze back to me, his own fingers scrambling on his other leg to pull his pants leg up.
“Oh, hello there,” I say to the bright red mushroom head of his dick now peeking out of the leg of his shorts.
He covers it with his hand and begins to rub it furiously.
I smile up at him. “So… Pain?”
“I like to fight,” he says, his eyebrows bunched in concentration. Or confusion?
“Great way to get hurt,” I concede. “But have you ever let someone hurt you in bed?” I push my hand up his leg, my nails sliding across his skin with a pressure that he clearly enjoys.
“No,” he groans, sagging forward and grabbing both of my breasts under the water. “Not exactly.”
Just then, there’s a splash behind us. We turn to see a man who’s appeared completely out of nowhere — since we weren’t paying any attention to anyone but one another. We watch as the man swims the length of the pool. When he gets close, the force of his body disturbs the water and pushes me against Alfonso’s hands. He begins to tweak my nipples lightly, much more gently than I’m treating his thigh. I scratch at his legs with growing pressure, but I’m careful not to break the skin.
When I whimper, Alfonso sighs. “Is that what you like?” he asks.
I turn back to him and lick my lips. “Please, be more specific.”
“Do you like to be watched?”
“Yes, but that’s not it.”
He keeps stroking my breasts, and I want to crawl into his lap so he can suck on them. “Tell me.”
“The breakup I should be at home getting over?”
He nods.
“My mother hated that relationship because I was dating two men.”
His eyebrows lift.
“They’d been together for years before I met them.”
His mouth falls open.
“My thing,” I tell him, lifting a hand to cup his face and pull him closer, “is that one man isn’t usually enough for me.”
Our lips are touching, and Alfonso’s eyes dart to the side, looking for the swimmer or making sure that no one is watching. I’m surprisingly uninterested in anyone else but him. It’s enough just to know that Alfonso is aware of the swimmer’s presence, and he’s still caressing my breasts in the water.
“Harder,” he breathes.
I smile against his mouth and then scrape my fingers down his thigh.
He cries out, and I cover his lips with mine, tasting his excitement.
The warm evidence of his release lands in a wet spurt on my chest.