Page 61 of The Enforcer


“When you getto the hotel, tell Sara that Nicola sent you.”

When we get off the boat, that’s all Nicola tells me before darting into the crowd at the port and disappearing. I could strangle him, and if I didn’t have Zoe beside me and the sticky feeling of drying come along my right leg, I would have done just that. But he’s gone before I can get my bearings straight. My mind is sluggish after Zoe made me come with only her knee pressing into my dick. I don’t even know how she did that. But I can’t linger here longer trying to figure it out or find my brother again.

I hear someone whistle, and I know instinctively that it’s aimed at Zoe. Of course, it is.

She’s shimmied into a pair of shorts and a tank top, but somehow, it feels as if she’s still nearly naked. I’d been so distracted by her in that damn bikini that I hadn’t been able to focus on figuring out what Nicola is actually up to. And now, my brother is gone, and Zoe’s body is still driving me out of my mind. But not just me. I scan the pier, and there are men and women staring at her with wide eyes and slack mouths. I cannot blame them.

And Zoe is soaking up the attention.

We packed all of our clothes in one bag, and I throw it over my shoulder. I place a hand in the middle of her back. “Andiamo, solarità.”

She smiles at me, and it’s almost too much to take. “What’s that mean?”

“Let’s go,” I tell her, hesitating, “sunshine.” My eyes dart to her breasts.

“You’re very cute,” she whispers, leaning into me. I could happily lose myself in the pressure of her soft skin molding against my side. “But if there are more than five steps, I will step on your dick.”

I grunt, and my cock makes a feeble attempt to push more come from the tip.

“Good to know,” I say in a hoarse voice.

“I was just thinking the same thing.”

There’s a strong chance that the hotel room Nicola has arranged for us will just be a spare bedroom in a stranger’s home. I don’t tell Zoe that because I don’t want to distress her any more than is necessary. Besides, I have enough money to find us a room somewhere. But I’m as shocked as Zoe when we step from the taxi and find ourselves at a beautiful hotel.

We walk into the lobby.

Buongiorno,” the woman at the front desk calls to us. “Welcome to Hotel Vulcano.”

“Hi,” Zoe says with a wave.

I walk to the counter, look at her nametag, and see that this is Sara. “Nicola sent us,” I tell her. It takes a lot of effort not to let my skepticism seep into that sentence.

Sara’s smile doesn’t falter, but she does look left and right before sitting quickly at the desk.

Zoe and I look at one another, and she raises her eyebrows, asking me what’s going on. I don’t know.

But as quickly as the mood shifts, Sara stands abruptly from the desk. “I’ll show you to your room, si?” She’s speaking much too loud not to be deceiving someone.

I sigh and reach for Zoe again.

“Are we going to get arrested?” she whispers. “Because I’m not getting locked up wearing this.”

I look at her again. “I’ll let you know if I think you should change.”

“Great, thanks.”

We follow Sara through the lobby into a courtyard overrun with lush bushes and tall trees, circling a fountain inlaid with a beautiful mosaic of tile and volcanic glass.

“Oooh,” Zoe breathes as we walk around it. I nod.

Sara leads us through another courtyard, past a pool that makes Zoe smile at me without a hint of seduction, only happiness.

I’ve thrown my arm around her waist, and I squeeze her into me. We are pretending to be engaged.

“Here you are,” she says, not as obviously loud as before. She unlocks the door and leads us into a bungalow. Sara shows us quickly around the small but luxurious room. When we’re in the bathroom, she leans forward and whispers, “If anyone asks, you’re an American singer with her Italian manager having a tryst on Capri where no one knows you.”