“I’m shocked you jumped,” Shaylin says.

Emmie says, “I have four brothers, so I never say no to a dare.”

Jesse inclines his head. “Alex dared you to jump out of the helo?”

“No, I asked her. Thought it would be fun, memorable,” I clarify.

Nodding in confirmation, Emmie adds, “That’s true. I just meant that it was daring.”

“It’s like the two of you were made for each other,” Pax says.

Finally, the man speaks some sense.

“Heads up, that Tad Tobin guy has been sniffing around this week. Saw him here earlier, shooting everyone smug and dirty looks fordaringto have fun,” Jesse says.

“He’s after my property.” Eyeing Emmie, I hope he’s not also after my woman. If he tries anything, he won’t be seeing the state of Utah again anytime soon.

She steps closer to me as if she doesn’t like the idea of him being in this little holiday haven.

A woman with light blonde hair, a fitted jacket, and laced-up boots with fur trim strides toward us, gaze locked on me. “Just the man I wanted to see.”

Before I can skate backward across the lake, she wraps me in a long hug as I shrug out from under her arms.

I glance at Emmie and the look she gives suggests she wants to launch into a flying arm bar. Then she slides back as if concerned about her rash of jealousy, or at least, that’s what I’d like to think the flare in her eyes means.

Paxton’s expression shifts and his eyes narrow slightly as if it’s okay for him to flirt with Emmie, but he’ll defend her honor and not let anyone flirt with me. “Kissy, I don’t think you’ve met Emmie yet.”

“Kissy?” she asks as if holding back laughter.

The woman of my nightmares pecks my cheek, leaving a big red lipstick splotch. I rapidly rub it off.

“Kissy is my call sign. I’m a fighter pilot and really good at what I do.” She crosses her arms in front of her chest like that gives her some clout.

Okay, it gives her a lot of clout.

“You may know my brother Magnus,” Emmie says.

She shrugs. “Never heard of him.”

“Magnus McGregor. Magdog, Magic—because he was like a magician in the sky. Also, Magnum PI because of his accuracy when he went into special forces.”

Kissy shifts uncomfortably. “Oh, yeah. That Magnus. I think I met him once or twice.”

“Magnus McGregor is your brother?” Jesse asks, impressed.

Emmie nods, wearing a proud smile.

“Kissy is being modest. In the air, Magnus McGregor has given Kissy a run for her money and then some,” Pax says.

Kissy steps forward. “So you’re his little sister? How adorable,” she says as if antagonized.

Then she boops Emmie’s nose with the pad of her pointer finger.

Emmie’s jaw lowers and her eyes turn to slits.

“Careful, Kissy,” Jesse says. “You might be able to handle yourself in the air, but Emmie’s ground game is clinch.”

Pax adds, “What he means is Emmie is a jiu-jitsu blackbelt.”