Too bad my memories mostly involve the lonely rooms and hallways while my brothers were off doing their thing and my grandfather was running his empire.

I just read, creating worlds in my mind.

“Emmie, we’re here,” Alex’s voice floats to me as the Jolly Trolley comes to a stop.

“Oh, right.”

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, I was just thinking about how today was the best day ever.”

“It’s not over yet. I have more in store for us.” Alex winks and with that, I snap back to the present, prepared to live my very own fictional romance, if only for tonight.

Tomorrow, I have to return to reality, and I have a feeling it’s going to try to take me kicking and screaming.

Maybe I won’t be on Santa’s nice list this year after all.



While we rode the Jolly Trolley through the neighborhood decorated with illuminated ornaments hanging from trees, inflatable displays, and light shows that flickered in time with music, Emmie seemed to disappear into her own world for a few minutes.

She lives in the city, so this vibe isn’t foreign to her, but maybe she truly doesn’t like Christmas.

But, it turns out, she does like ice skating. We take to the lake on rental skates and she has skills, skating backward, doing spins, and other tricks.

“I thought you grew up on a tropical island.”

Emmie smirks. “Remember what I said about being a princess? Every summer, while my brothers were boating under the hot summer sun, I went to a skating camp in a climate-controlled rink.”

“Clever. Despite what you say about Christmas, it looks good on you.”

She chuckles. “Winter is my favorite season. I get to wear big, bulky sweaters and live in my natural habitat.”

“Where’s that?”

“Cozied up at home in leggings and fuzzy socks with a warm drink and a manuscript working its way from up here,” she points to her temple, “to here,’ she wiggles her fingers.

I snap mine. “Oh, yeah. You and I are writing a book. Nearly forgot about that.”

“I did not since the deadline is December thirty-first and I’ve never turned in something late to my editor.”

“We’ll keep your streak strong. Maybe we’ll get another snow day.”

“Remember, I have to be in Coco Key by New Year’s Eve. My brothers say they have a surprise for me.” She looks less than thrilled.

We whiz around the lake, skating smoothly past other couples, families with kids who are struggling to stay upright, and hordes of teenagers having the time of their lives.

Emmie has only given me cookie crumbs about her life, but I’ve gleaned that our experiences weren’t that different. She didn’t have her parents, and even though I did, it’s not like they were present in a meaningful way. I had to make up my own fun...or read history books and understand what freedom, honor, and fidelity really mean.

Along the perimeter of the lake are homes ranging from cottages to mansions. Set up in front of a few are camp chairs and folks roasting marshmallows. We skate by and I spot Jesse, Pax, Shaylin, and my buddy Austin Hildreth from the teams by Jesse’s cottage.

They wave us over.

I greet Austin with a bro hug and make introductions.

Paxton crows, “Austin, meet Your Majesty, Princess, Royal Lady of the Circle of Mad Mojo, Order of the First Degree, Queen of Eaglewood Acres! You’re still in town. I’m surprised she didn’t go running for the hills after your stunt today, Lexman.”