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“Look, I know what she’s like when this happens. Remember, I’m her twin after all,” he says, peeling at the label on his beer, letting out a laugh. “We can do everything in the world to try and tell her to stop, relax, it’ll be fine. But when her anxiety is that bad and gets to this point, there’s only so much we can do. We’re just along for the ride. We can do everything to help avoidstressors and prevent it, but when it happens, we just gotta help her get through it.”

“So what, I should just donothing?” I look at Collin, trying to hide my irritation.

“Um, yeah. Exactly, sort of. For now, at least. If you try to convince her to stay right now, she’s just going to get frustrated and feel like you’re in her way, like you’re not listening to her.” I watch him as he takes a deep breath, like he’s remembering something from their past.

“I know it sucks, but sometimes that’s how it is dude. She’s called me or come to my place absolutely panicking so many times over the years. Back in college it would be about exams. Then when she graduated it would be big work projects, interviews for promotions, you name it.” Collin looks at me, taking another sip of his beer now. “It’s hard to reason with her sometimes. In her mind the only thing that matters is crossing this thing off her list so the stress and anxiety go away with it. And I know all I want to do, all I’m sure you wanted to do, is try to fix it for her or rationalize with her. But really, she just needs you to listen and you need to ask her what she needs to get through this. It may not make sense to you, but that’s sort of just how it is. And once she gets through this, she’ll be ready to listen.”

I take a minute to think about what he’s saying, spinning my beer bottle in my hand. I didn’t handle this great. I should have listened more. I should have just been there for her, however she needed me. Not try and talk her out of what she felt she needed to do, but just be there and support her decision.

While I replay the argument in my head, wishing I could get a chance to go back and get a do-over. I feel Collin’s hand rest on my shoulder.

“Seriously, stop beating yourself up.” He pauses again, shaking his head now as he mumbles under his breath. “I can’tbelieve I’m gonna fucking compare my sister to skiing, but here we are I guess… Dude, remember the first time we skied Corbett’s as kids? The conditions were perfect and we were feeling it. There was no way we weren’t gonna do it.”

He looks at me, expecting a response. I’m not sure if it’s the one he wants though. What I do remember about that day is Collin was being a little bitch and was afraid to go down the steep rocky chute. Ronni didn’t miss the chance to show up her brother and took the shot into the couloir while I was still egging Collin on to finally go.

My fucking Ronni. God I can’t believe I fucked this up.

“Ok. So what?” I look at him, still not sure what he’s getting at.

“Geez. I’m really going to have to spell it out for you then. My point is, this is your chance. Everything is lined up for you. You just have to let go, get out of your damn head, and send it Chap.”

Fuck me. He’s right. I need to stop moping around and make things happen.

“You know, you’re actually pretty good at this motivational shit, Collin,” I say, feeling the tension in my jaw slowly fade away.

“Yeah, no shit. Right? That’s half my job. So really, what are you thinking about doing?” He looks at me with a curious smile.

“I think I’ve only got one choice then really. But I’m also gonna need a favor. Or two.” I look at Collin, his eyebrow now raised, as he spins in his barstool to face me.

“Well now I’m the curious one,” he says. The smile on his face is the one I’ve known since we were boys, the one we both make when we’re about to do something dumb as hell, but fun.

“You ever driven a plow?” I ask, my expression matching his. Yep. This is gonna be crazy and dumb, that’s for sure.

“Are you serious? You know I haven’t but I’ve always wanted to!” He’s practically jumping out of his stool, grabbing both of my shoulders.

“So, you’re in?” I laugh at his reaction. “Just please don’t crash it or hit one of my clients’ houses, ok?”

“I’ll do my best.” He shrugs. “But what’s the other favor?”

Chapter 45


Earth SnaX

Imanaged to book the only remaining flight out today from Jackson to Salt Lake, leaving just after lunch. I’ll have to stay in Salt Lake overnight, but it means I can take the first flight in the morning and get to the office in time.

Collin and Lizzy help me load my bags before taking me to the airport. I should get into Dayton just before lunch tomorrow and be able to go straight to the office. I’ll just have to settle on wearing the most professional thing I packed on the trip. Good thing Earth SnaX is pretty casual.

At the airport, the mood is somber. We stop at the curb outside the terminal, and Collin and Lizzy get out with me. Collin goes around to unload my bags from the hatch of his SUV.

“You got this, girl. Go crush it. They’ll have to remember this the next time you’re up for that director promotion,” Lizzy says, before leaning in for a hug.

I feign a smile, the best I can do. “Thanks. I sure hope so.”

When I pull back from her hug, I find myself looking through the crowd outside the terminal. I realize I’m looking for that tall, handsome man I’ve fallen in love with.

“Hey, sis,” Collin says, watching my eyes scan the crowd. “Just go kill your presentation.Tannerwill be fine, I’ll talk to him again.”