Page 37 of Full Send

Ok, let’s be real. I just want to be close to her again while Collin and Lizzy are distracted talking about cowboys.

The kitchen is tiny, barely enough room for two people to stand in, let alone cook together. The fridge is opposite the counter she’s working at and I have no choice but to bump into her as I squeeze by. The front of my jeans brushes against her ass, sending shivers through me and my dick fucking twitches hard.

“Oh, sorry, Ronni. Tight squeeze in here.” My dick twitches again at the thought of her tight pussy squeezing my fingers earlier today. Fuck I need to get my shit under control. I still have to make it through dinner with everyone.

“No worries, Tanner.” She says, a wry smile on her face as I grab a beer from the fridge. Fuck, she’s thinking about it too.

“All good in here? Happy to lend ahand.” I’m sure she’s got it under control, but still I would do anything to have an excuse to stay this close to her.

“Nope. All good. You’ve donemorethan enough with those hands today, Tanner.” There’s a subtle sultry shift in the tone of her voice. We’re side by side in front of the counter now, me standing between her and the others in the dining room.

“Well I’m glad you’re having a good trip, Ronni. Let me know if you need a hand with anything.”

“Don’t worry, I will. Lord knows those two aren’t gonna help,” she says, shaking her head.

“Hey we heard that, V. Very funny,” Lizzy chimes in from the dining table.

As I turn to head back to the dining table, my body blocking their view of Ronni, I feel a hand press against the back of my shoulder. It runs down the sleeve of my t-shirt before it reaches my skin.

Fuck me. I stop dead in my tracks.

When her finger reaches my skin, she delicately runs her finger nail down the back of my arm. I feel the hairs on my neck standing, chills running through me. Her touch cuts through me to my core.

I manage to pull myself away and head back to the table, beer in hand. I carefully sit back down, adjusting myself under the table the first chance I get when Collin and Lizzy look back to Ronni in the kitchen.

With that situated, I look back towards the kitchen. She’s back to work, dicing the cooked chicken now. I love watching people use my knives, but with her it’s something else. I know she loves cooking and appreciates them. Watching the way she deftly handles them in her hands, nimbly cutting away, brings back the memories of the hours I spent making each one and makes them all worth it.

“Chap, settle this debate for us. Lizzy thinks there are still real cowboys crawling all over the bars in Jackson. Can you tell her she’s crazy?” Collin looks at me, shifting my attention away from Ronni.

“Ok, Lizzy. Here’s the deal. This place is fuckin’ expensive to live in. The only working ranches left in town raise bougie ass fancy wagyu cattle and have a small handful of cowboys.” I’m now fully invested in this. I can’t wait to watch this fancy resort girl try to pick up a cowboy in town. This is gonna be fun to watch.

“Alright, Chapman. It sounds like there’s abutthe way you said that.” Lizzy eyes me curiously. Collin is also now watching me closely, clearly interested as well.

“Right, so there are some but you’re gonna have to fight the local girls for them. Good luck with that, I know that’s a fight even I wouldn’t want to pick. Those girls are fuckin’ mean. Now, your best bet is the rodeo when it’s in town, but that’s only in the summer. Since it’s winter, maybe the skijoring event. Those bring the guys from the towns further out where the real cowboys are.”

Collin and Lizzy are both grinning now, hooked on my every word. Oh man. The nights with them the rest of their trip are gonna be fun to watch.

Myhow to catch a cowboy guidefor Collin and Lizzy is interrupted by Ronni, bringing food to the table. Everything looks and smells amazing. Chipotle marinated chicken, fresh sliced jalapeños, diced onions, cilantro, fresh cooked tortillas. This is way better than I ever eat at home.

She’s always been so good at cooking, so natural at hosting people. The table is covered in a spread that looks like something even my grandma, always ready to serve you more food than you need, would approve of.

I’ve always wondered why she wouldn’t do this for a living. With the huge mansions, wealthy tourists, and second home owners throwing parties, there’s always a demand for private chefs in town. She’d be so natural at it and be her own boss. I’ve never seen anything she can’t do when she puts her mind to it.

“Dinner is served. There’s more beer in the fridge and here’s a fresh bottle of wine. Dig in,” she says, sitting down beside me, Collin and Lizzy opposite us at the table.

“Damn, V. Everything looks great,” Lizzy says, “Thanks again girl.”

“Hey, I’m just ready to eat. It’s been a day,” Ronni says, taking a sip of wine.

The dining table is small and we’re only a foot or so apart. Being this close to her after having my tongue inside her thismorning, while sneaking around my best friend is such an unexpected rush. I don’t think I’m the only one that feels this way.

She takes an extra second or two to place a napkin in her lap and while her hand is under the table, she drags her finger nail carefully up my leg over my jeans, before placing it back on her wine glass on the table. I take a deep breath, practically shuddering.

God. She’s having as much fun with this as I am. Well two can play at that game.

“Hey Ronni. You remember that concert we saw at the spring festival back in high school? The time you guys came for the season closing over spring break?” I look to her, one side of my mouth quirking up.

She glances to me, pondering my question as her wine glass rests on her lower lip. “Yeah. I do. That was a fun night. What made you think about it? That was ages ago.”