PS - I still can’t get over how good you taste.
I look across the table at him, but he’s looking right at Collin, as they’re chatting about always keeping your ski tips pointed down hill. His fingers,those fingers, are resting just inside his lower lip, his mouth slightly open.
Is he… fucking tasting me?
“I swear, V. If that’s Jeff, I’m going to personally beat his ass when we’re back in the office. That dude needs a sanity check.”
Lizzy’s words startle me as I realize I’ve been staring at Tanner too long.
“Oh no, it’s not Jeff. Just one of those targeted ads from signing up for an email and text list. It’s crazy how fast they send those, like they’re reading your mind,” I say, hoping my babbling is enough to get her off the trail.
“Alright. So what’s left for the day? We skiing with the boys or just us this afternoon?” I’m torn. All I can think about is Tanner right now and the thought of being close to him for the afternoon sounds frighteningly good. But I feel like I need to spend some girl time with Lizzy after all.
“I’m down for a run with the boys before splitting off for some girl time. We’ll see them for drinks and dinner back at the condo.” Practical V is going to win this one.
After lunch, I still feel shockingly good though, my mind keeps going back to the gondola. That was so intense. So hot. My mind starts to think about Tanner in the mudroom and the magic of his mouth just now, when Collin interrupts.
“So remind me when we need to be back at the condo, V?” Collin asks from the other end of the table. At least he remembered there is a plan for the day this time.
“Lizzy and I will hit a run with you before some girl time on the slopes. Meet back at the condo around 5:00 for drinks and dinner. Sound good?”
“Perfect, V. Tanner and I will see you girls then,” Collin says as he stands up, putting his hand on Tanner’s shoulder. “Come on, Chap. Let’s grab our skis and meet them outside.”
As I watch them walk away, towards the stairs at the end of the cafeteria, I’m still taken aback by how tall and rugged Tanner looks next to Collin. His broad shoulders and chest, his athletic build, all still noticeable even through his loose ski jacket. WithCollin busy looking ahead, Tanner looks over his shoulder, winking back at me.
Fuck my life. Just when I thought everything was dull and boring, apparently I’m into Tanner Chapman now.
Chapter 18
Dinner is Served
It’s been a long day of skiing, but we’re finally back at the Perry twin’s condo. Perfect timing. I could use an après ski drink right about now. My nerves are fried, my adrenaline running full tilt all day and not just from hitting jumps off cliffs. It was a killer day on the slopes for sure. Fresh powder, hit some fun lines with the twins and Lizzy.
And oh yeah, I got to make the woman of my dreams come on a gondola.
That wasfucking crazy hot.
My dick’s been throbbing all day just thinking about how wet she was and how her legs wrapped around my head while she came. The way she pulled me into her by my hair.
Time to hold that thought and try to act normal though. I’m sitting at their dinner table with Collin and Lizzy while Ronni is in the kitchen. At least the table is my friend here, giving me a little coverage while I try to hide the bulge in my jeans.
“No way, Chap. Not buying it. There’s absolutely no way you’d enter a skijoring contest. You’re a crazy son of a bitch, but I don’t believe you.” Collin looks at me, completely doubting my level of seriousness.
“Um. Does someone want to tell me whatskijoringis?” Lizzy looks confused like we’re talking about video games or something.
“Oh god, Lizzy. You fucked up. He’s never gonna shut up now. Tanner has been talking about this foryears,” says Ronni from the kitchen. I love it when she remembers things about me from the past. Little reminders that maybe I wasn’t as invisible as I felt for all those years. I look back to Lizzy.
“Ok, Lizzy. They probably don’t do this in Park City or Aspen Valley, so that’s a fair question.” I’m trying to be nice, but she’s still scowling at me. Damn. What’s it going to take to make her accept that I’m not into her? Anyways.“So yeah, skijoring. Basically combine a rodeo and park skiing. They build a course through town, covering the roads with snow and build ramps and jumps. Then the skiers grab a water ski handle that’s tied to a horse and a cowboy pulls the skier through the course fast enough for the skier to hit the jumps, racing through town. It’s fucking gnarly.”
Lizzy looks at me, surprisingly interested. “Cowboys you said? I think I could get on board.”
“You’re in luck, Lizzy. There’s always one in town the weekend after New Year’s Day. We should be able to go to it this year,” Ronni says from the kitchen.
I look over towards Ronni from the table, still in the kitchen as Collin and Lizzy start talking about cowboys. She’s changed into some black yoga pants and a red tank top showing the criss crossed straps of her sports bra over her toned back, her long legs and perky butt perfectly outlined. She looks at me, her smiling face framed by her hair that’s still in a pair of longbraids. She has one of my knives in hand as she gets ready to start cutting onions and cilantro. She looks relaxed, at ease. I can only hope in some way I’ve helped with that.
With the urges in my jeans under control, for the moment anyways, I head to the kitchen to grab a beer from the fridge.