Maybe I’m just unlucky or cursed to be stuck in Ohio in corporate anonymity, rotting away.
As my thoughts start to spiral again, I remind myself that I can’t just doom scroll through the snapshots of my life up to this point anymore. It’s time to try and enjoy my well earned time off.
Back to the moment at hand, V.
No more pity party.
“Yep, same old same old at Fischer. Just happy to be back in Wyoming,” I say, sighing a bit of relief as I look around the airport, admiring the floor to ceiling views of the mountains outside.
“Yeah. Well sis,” he pauses for a moment, letting out an exasperated sigh before that big cheerful smile returns again. “I’m glad you’re here too. But next time, can you maybe bring a cute single guy too? It’s slim pickings out here in Wyoming for me.”
Ah… There it is, always a witty joke lurking around the corner with him. I let out a short laugh and punch him in the shoulder. Oh Collin, you little shit.
“You know damn well if I had time to find a cute single man I’d be looking for myself first!”
He looks back at me, shaking his head, his eyes more serious this time. “Really sis, I’ve been pumped for this trip for awhile. It’s been way too long since we were here together. I’m sure we’ll have you cheered right up.”
We look at each other and share a warm smile as Lizzy returns, two large duffels in tow.
“So um… bags are out. Maybe a little help here? And what’d I miss? Obviously something funny based on those laughs. This place is so small I could hear you two laughing all the way across baggage claim.” She rolls her eyes and shakes her head looking at us.
“God you’re definitely twins.” She palms her face as she shakes her head.
Collin and I smile at each other. I start to respond but that boisterous reassuring voice chimes in.
“Well apparently, we were commiserating a bit too loudly about something we can all relate to, Lizzy. The lack of quality single men out there.” Oh Collin. Yep, definitely twins.
“Oh yeah, Collin. I didn’t tell you. Lizzy thinks she’s going to find herself a hunky cowboy as her own plaything while we’re here.” I look at Lizzy, sticking my tongue out.
“Good one, V. Very funny,” Lizzy huffs, like she’s about to start pouting.
“Yeah, I hate to burst your bubble but your chances of finding one are about as good as winning the lottery,” Collin teases.
“I see you are both comedic geniuses. Seems like this might be a nice girls trip after all,” Lizzy says with a wink.
I look at Collin and Lizzy, all smiles. What a relief.
The vibes are good.
One less thing to stress myself out over.
Chapter 3
Old Town
“So wait, I thought we were going to Jackson. What’s Teton Village?” Lizzy asks, a confused look on her face as we reach the SUV. “Are you guys kidnapping me or something? I don’t know if my dad will cough up the ransom money or not, but I want my cut if he does.”
“I told you, Lizzy. The ski resort,Jackson Hole, is actually in the tiny town of Teton Village, fifteen minutes past the town of Jackson,” I say, shaking my head as I hand my bag to Collin to throw in the back of the SUV.
“I swear, it’s like we have this conversation every time we bring a new person out here,” Collin says, shaking his head like me while closing the hatch of the cargo area.
The drive from the airport in the winter to Teton Village takes about thirty-five to forty minutes but goes right through scenic downtown Jackson, Wyoming so at least Lizzy gets a nice tour of that on our way.
Although there is a modest public transportation system connecting the airport, the town of Jackson, and Teton Village, we prefer having our own car for grocery runs, day trips, and because lugging our bags and skis on a bus is frankly a chore. This time is a bit different as it’s the first time we’ve been out at the condo together since our Grandpa passed away, leaving the condo to Collin and me.
“So, how was the drive out here?” I ask Collin as we leave the airport parking lot.