Page 93 of Sidelined Love

“Is he okay? What can I do?” My questions tumble out one over the other. I'm not sure I'm even making sense.

“I—I don't know yet. He's at St. Mary's. Mom couldn't tell me much over the phone outside of him being alive.” He runs a hand through his hair and it's obvious that he's been pulling on the strands.

Without a second thought, I start walking toward the back and my eyes land on Jenna. “I'm coming with you,” I decide.

“But you need to close up…” Levi starts to protest, but it's half-assed.

He needs me and I want to be there for him.

“Zac and I can take care of everything else,” Jenna says.

“Thank you so much and I'll make it up to you both.” I don't know if I've ever been more grateful.

Jenna waves me off. “Don't worry about it, Hailey. Just go.”

I grab my bag and coat before hurrying back to Levi. We don't say a word as we leave Brewed Beginnings, but his hand finds mine and grips it tightly until we reach his SUV.

“Do you need me to drive?” I ask, hoping to take something off his plate.

“No, I got it,” he says in a clipped tone, but I don't take it personally.

The drive to St. Mary's is a blur. For a guy who's usually so in control on the ice, seeing him this vulnerable has me freaking out, but I'm trying to remain strong for him. As we pull into thehospital parking lot, my heart lands in my throat as I stare at the big building we're about to walk into. We quickly get out of the car, and he grabs my hand as we walk through the sliding glass doors that welcome us into a completely different world.

I'm looking around, trying to take in my surroundings when I hear Levi mumble, “Mom.”

I turn to see where he's looking and follow his gaze to where I find a woman dressed in a cream-colored Chanel suit with pearls around her neck. She looks more like she's about to attend a meeting or a dinner party than sit in a hospital waiting room. Mrs. Jamison's eyes are red-rimmed, betraying the calm façade she's trying to maintain.

Levi squeezes my hand for a split second before we walk over to her. “Mom, this is Hailey.”

She gives me a small watery smile before she pulls her son in for a hug. Although I can't hear anything, based on how her shoulders are shaking, I can see that she's crying. I awkwardly hang back, not wanting to interrupt the moment between mother and son because it isn't my place. They deserve it.

After a minute, Mrs. Jamison releases Levi, uses a tissue to wipe her tears from her eyes and turns to me, extending a perfectly manicured hand. “My name is Ella Jamison. Thank you for being here,” she says, her voice as controlled as her appearance.

“There's no other place I could be right now,” I say as I shake her hand.

She nods but turns her focus back to Levi. “They said we should hear something soon.”

Levi passes a hand over his face and lets out a deep sigh. Instinctively, my hand finds his and holds onto him. It's a small gesture of support, and I hope it reminds him that he's not alone in all of this.

We all sit down and wait for who knows how long, but when a nurse approaches us, we jump up.

“Are you here for Mr. Jamison?” she asks, her voice gentle yet professional.

“Yes, we are,” Mrs. Jamison replies.

“I need you to come with me.”

Levi joins his mother and stands up, but I remain behind. Levi looks over at me and raises an eyebrow.

“You guys go, and I'll stay. I'm not a part of the family, and you're going to be talking about medical information that I shouldn't be involved in. I'll support you from here.”

Levi hesitates before nodding, though I can see he's questioning my decision. “If you're sure.”

I give him an encouraging smile. “Of course. Go. I'll be here when you get back.”

With one more lingering look, Levi follows the nurse and his mother through a set of white doors. Sinking back into the hard plastic chair, I pull out my phone to tell Jade what is going on and to give myself something to do.

After all, I suspect this is going to be a long night.