Page 60 of Sidelined Love

Well, first I have to make it through chess club. I press one of the buttons on the side of my phone and see another text from him.

Levi: Wait until you see what I’ve got planned for tonight.

Me: Oh? Should I be worried or excited?

Levi: Definitely excited. I might have a surprise or two up my sleeve.

Me: As long as it doesn’t involve spiders or doing anything too crazy, I’m all in. Any hints?

Levi: Not a chance. Surprises are no fun if you know what they are.

Me: Fair enough. I’ll just have to prepare myself for anything then.

Levi: Exactly. Just make sure you bring your appetite.

Me: This is definitely sounding like a date. Are you ordering food?

Levi: Something like that. You’ll see soon enough. Just know I’m looking forward to tonight.

Me: Me too, Levi. Can’t wait to find out what you’re up to.

Levi: See you soon?

Me: See you soon.

I close out the application and notice that time is up for chess club. I quickly give off some last-minute tips and help everyone pack up the chessboards and pieces before I make my move to head out. The chime of the bell on top of Brewed Beginnings front door draws my attention as I open it before I look back at the people I am leaving behind.

“I'll see everyone next week. Hope you have a good rest of your evening,” I say with a small wave as I walk out of the coffee shop for the second time today.

I notice Jeff's skeptical look as I turn away and I bet he's wondering why I'm in such a good mood. What he doesn't know is I've been ready to walk out of here since the moment I arrived. Time has been ticking by at the pace of a snail, and I've never been happier to leave chess club since I joined.

Stepping out into the crisp air of the evening, I pull my coat tighter against my body to help me stay warm. I curse myself for not deciding to drive over to Levi's as I watch my breath materialize in front of me. My reasoning is that Levi's apartment is so close to Brewed Beginnings that walking there now almost feels like a death sentence. I know once we are done with whatever Levi has planned, I'm going to call an Uber to come pick me up because there is no way I'm walking home in this chill.

As I make my way to his apartment, my stomach flip-flops a little from excitement. I have no idea what is going to happen outside of Levi brushing me off slightly when I mentioned ordering take out.

My hand trembles slightly as I reach out to open the main door of the building that Levi gave me the address to. Already the outside of this place is much nicer than mine, but it's also not surprising. He doesn't live on Crestwood's campus while I do, and that's not to say that Crestwood's grounds aren't kept nice and well maintained.

I feel a flutter of nerves as I walk into the building and approach the front desk. My apartment on campus is nice, but this place is out of my league. The lobby is large and open with modern décor and bright lighting. Clearing my throat, the woman sitting at the front desk looks up at me with a warm smile.

“Hi, I'm here to see Levi Jamison. My name is Hailey Reed.” My voice gives away that I'm nervous as hell.

The attendant offers a polite nod before picking up the phone and clicking a few buttons. “Mr. Jamison, your guest, Ms. Reed, is here,” she announces.

After a brief pause, the attendant nods again before saying goodbye and hanging up the phone. She stands up and gestures toward the elevator and says, “If you'll follow me, please.”

As we walk, I'm trying to calm my nerves. They have nothing to do with where I currently am but everything to do with the man I'm about to see.

The elevator ride up to his floor is smooth and quick. The attendant leads me down a hallway where we stop at number 413. As she turns to leave, she offers me a reassuring smile. “Have a nice evening, Ms. Reed.” And just like that, she's gone, leaving me alone in the quiet hallway.

Before I can knock on the door, it swings open. I'm greeted by Levi who is standing there in a white t-shirt, dark jeans, and bare feet.

“Welcome to Chez Jamison,” he says as he steps aside to let me in.

The apartment is warm, and scents of garlic and something else greet my nose as soon as I walk over the threshold. He's set his dining room table for two and I stare at the candles flickering softly, creating a romantic mood. I'm thoroughly impressed. There's no other word for it.

“I hope you're hungry,” he says as he closes the door behind me and leads me further into his apartment.

“Starving,” I admit. “I forgot to eat lunch today and only had a protein bar while I was at the library studying.”