Page 66 of After the Vows

“I think it’s time to go home.”

She curls her bottom lip in a pout. “But I’m having fun.”

“Yeah, spoilsport,” one of the men says. “She’s having fun.”

I growl at him. “My wife is not having fun with you. She’s coming home with me.”

Chloe pokes my chest. “I live with him because he’s my hubby.”

“How much have you had to drink?”

Her eyes get foggy as she counts. “There were five shots at the escape room.”

“There were shots at the escape room?”

“Duh.” She rolls her eyes and tips backward. I steady her. Again. “This is Smuggler’s Hideaway. There’s always moonshine at our festivals. Do you drink moonshine? Have you tried any?”

She whirls around but I keep my arm banded across her waist. I’m not letting her go with the predatory look on the faces of the men in this place. They’re out of luck. Chloe is coming home with me.

“Harper!” she screams. “Can you get my hubby a shot of moonshine?”

I shake my head at the bartender. “I’m good. I’m driving my wife home now.”

Chloe sighs. “I love it when you call me your wife.”

She couldn’t be more beautiful at this moment. All her guards are down and her light green eyes are shining with happiness. What I wouldn’t give to witness her smiling up at me every single day for the rest of my life.

I shove those thoughts away. Chloe isn’t a keeper. I already chose one woman who wouldn’t stay. I know better than to choose another one.

Chapter 23

Hangover – a concept Chloe is not explaining to her fake stepdaughter


Iwake with a sudden jerk. Where am I? Why am I wearing my clothes? And why is my head hanging over the end of the bed? With a bucket on the floor in front of me?

I roll over and my stomach protests. My mouth tastes of moonshine. Moonshine?

Ah, yes. I remember. I played coward and ran from the bed I shared with Lucas and ended up drinking my sorrows away at theRumrunnerbar after winning theBootlegger Escape Room Festival.

And the prize for being a walking, talking cliché goes to?

“Choe!” Natalia shouts before banging on my door.

I curl into the fetal position. Maybe if I make myself real small, she won’t notice I’m here and go away.

“Chloe! Dad said I couldn’t wake you until ten. It’s one minute past ten now.”

“I’m awake,” I croak.

The door flies open and she rushes inside. Note to self. Never answer a child when she’s banging on your door.

“Do you want breakfast? I already ate – Dad made pancakes – but I can have a second breakfast. Everyone knows you’re allowed to have a second breakfast on Sunday.”

I hold up my hand before she jumps on the bed. “No breakfast. And no jumping on the bed.”

She screeches to a halt. “Dad lets me jump on his bed.”