Page 67 of After the Vows

She’s totally lying. There’s no way Lucas lets her jump on his bed. I know how to handle this.

“Shall I ask him?”

“Um.” She twists her ankle and stares at the ground. “Maybe not.”

I snort and end up inhaling the scent of alcohol and sweat. My nose wrinkles. Where is that smell coming from? I sniff again and realize it’s me. I need a shower and coffee stat.

“I’m going to shower.”

“Shower? But you’re wearing your clothes. Didn’t you shower already? Or did you sleep in your clothes? Dad says I’m not allowed to sleep in my clothes.”

I force myself to sit up. “It was late when I got home last night. I was too tired to change.”

“Not an excuse according to Dad.”

“Good thing he’s not my dad then.”

“Where is your dad? Will I meet him? Does he live on the island?”

“New rule. No questions before I’ve had my first coffee.”

She sighs. “Dad’s grumpy in the morning, too.”

I’m not grumpy. I’m hungover. But I’m not about to explain why I’m feeling like crap to a twelve-year-old.

I manage to stand and weave my way toward the door. “Shower time.”

“We’ll decide what we’re doing for the day when you’re ready.” Natalia skips away.

Doing for the day? I planned to lay in bed all day. But I guess I’m going to pretend I don’t feel as if I’m dying all day. Sounds fun.

Once I’ve showered and dressed, I feel a bit better. Well enough to journey downstairs for some much needed coffee.

When I walk into the kitchen, Lucas is reading the paper at the table while Natalia works on a puzzle. My heart warms. Damn. What I wouldn’t give for this to be my Sunday morning every Sunday for the rest of my life.

But it’s not to be. I shake my head and moan. Bad idea.

Lucas chuckles. “Not feeling too great this morning?”

I glare at him. “I’m fine.”

“Your throat isn’t sore?”

“Why would my throat be sore?”

“From singing ninety-nine bottles of moonshine on the wall at the top of your voice.”

I wish I could deny it but singing is one of the tamer things I’ve done while inebriated.

Natalia giggles. “Chloe’s silly. It’s ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall.”

“Not on Smuggler’s Hideaway, kiddo.”

“You’re dressed.” She bounces in her chair. I wish I had half of her energy. “Can we decide what to do today now?”

I wag a finger at her. “I haven’t had my coffee yet.”

Lucas motions to the coffeemaker on the kitchen counter. “There’s coffee in the pot.”