“You say my name when you come.” I pinch her clit and she explodes.
Her walls clamp down on me and I’m helpless to stop my orgasm. It barrels down on me and I growl. “Chloe.”
I continue to thrust into her until her body is boneless. I drop her legs and roll to my side.
“W-w…” she stutters.
I chuckle. “Did I cause the wild child to become speechless?”
She slaps my stomach. “Catching my breath is all.”
I twist my head to glance at her. She has a tiny smile on her face and drops of sweat bead her forehead. She’s never looked more beautiful.
Too bad she’s not destined to be mine.
She’s a flight risk. And I can’t take risks with Natalia.
No matter how much I might want to. I’m afraid I’ve never wanted anything else in my life as much as I want Chloe.
Chapter 21
Run – what happens when you’re a scaredy-cat
Iwake surrounded by the smell of sex and an arm banded around my waist. This is a first. Usually, when I have sex, I skedaddle before the cuddling can begin. I am not a cuddler.
Except I’m literally lying in a bed with Lucas’s arm around me while he spoons me from behind. And I am as close to him as I possibly can be.
Lucas has the ability to cause me to make decisions I would never usually make. Such as sleeping with my fake husband who I want to be a real husband.
I slap a hand over my mouth to stop my gasp from being audible. I want Lucas to be my real husband. Holy mermaids in the ocean. I’m falling in love with Lucas.
This is unacceptable. I can’t fall in love with my husband. This is fake and he doesn’t want anything real. He madethatperfectly obvious when he made me agree sex wouldn’t change our relationship last night.
Maybe I can change his mind. Maybe I can turn on all the charm and convince Lucas to give me a chance.
Except I can’t. Lucas is the kind of man who will want more children. And I will never have children.
Damnit, Chloe. I’ve been in some shitty situations before, although the time I got stuck in the cave without any clothes was totally not my fault, but this is the worst. The absolute worst.
There’s only one thing I can do.
I lift Lucas’s arm and scooch out from underneath him. He grunts before rolling over. Phew.
I tiptoe toward the door gathering my clothes as I go. Thank goodness Natalia is at a sleepover. I wouldn’t want her to catch me doing the walk of shame naked down the hallway. She’d be scarred for life.
No matter how much she claims to want me and her dad to get together. Sex between your parents is always icky. I assume. I wouldn’t know since my dad disappeared before I could form memories.
I debate not showering, but I can smell the sex on my skin. I shower as fast as I can before throwing on clothes and hurrying out of the house.
I wish I could say I’m exaggerating but I’m gasping for breath by the time I start cycling towardFive Fathoms Brewing.I don’t have any other choice. I can’t get attached to a man whodoesn’t want me. I know how it feels to have a mother who doesn’t want you. I couldn’t pick my mom, but I can pick my man.
The brewery is locked up tight when I arrive. Probably because it’s Saturday morning and the offices are closed. The bar and restaurant will be open later for lunch and dinner, which is my excuse for being here.