I’m finishing up the payroll when the door bursts open and Sophia, Nova, Maya, and Paisley tumble inside.
“What are you doing here? It’s Saturday.”
Sophia snorts. “What are we doing here?”
“It wasn’t a rhetorical question.”
Nova smiles. “But it was kind of silly. You know why we’re here.”
My brow wrinkles. “I do?”
Paisley sighs. “Addy phoned. She said you were being bitchy to clients.”
“I haven’t been bitchy to clients. I’ve been in this office doing paperwork.”
“You didn’t tell a client you were going to shove him off the cliffs atMermaid Mystical Gardens?” Nova asks.
I wave away her question. “It was a misunderstanding. He called me a witch and asked me where my broom was. I told him if he wants to fly, he can fly off a cliff.”
“You can’t be mean to clients no matter if they’re jerks or not,” Sophia declares.
“I…” I pause when Maya sniffs me. “What are you doing?”
“I’m examining the beard rash on your neck. I wonder how far down it goes.” She reaches for my shirt but I bat her away.
“Don’t start seeing romance where it doesn’t exist.”
“I happily admit to being a romantic, and this romantic especially enjoys the sexy, smutty scenes and can spot beard rash a mile away.” She points at me. “You had sex with Lucas.”
Nova claps. “Yes! I knew Lucas was perfect for her.”
“Calm your tits, Ms. Sunshine and Ms. Romantic. Nothing’s changed between us.”
Sophia points at me. “But you did have sex.”
“Sex is sex. We agreed it wouldn’t change our relationship.”
Maya rolls her eyes. “Sex always changes a relationship.”
“In a good way,” Nova sings.
“Actually,” Paisley begins.
Sophia holds up her palm. “No. No statistics about relationships going sour because of sex or whatever nerd fact you’re going to pull out of your ass.”
Paisley’s nose wrinkles. “I do not keep facts in my ass.”
“We should go out to celebrate,” Nova suggests and everyone nods in agreement.
“The Bootlegger Escape Room festival is this weekend. Whoever escapes the fastest, drinks free for the rest of the night. Who’s in?” Sophia asks and everyone except me raises their hand.
“I am not celebrating having sex with Lucas.”
Maya huffs. “We’re not celebrating you having sex. We’re celebrating the beginning of your love story.”
I feign gagging. “No love for me. Just banging. Lots and lots of banging.”
“Does this mean you’re going to give us details about Lucas?” Sophia pulls me out of my chair and drags me to the door. “I want to know everything.”