Page 65 of Wild Love

"They're silly, but I like to think we're learning something."

"The parents are appreciative too."

"There was a need, and I'm filling it for now. I'm sure they will find someone who can take over when I leave." But the idea of leaving didn't sound as good as it usually did. I hadn't heard back about any openings, and I was enjoying my time here with the kids and Eli.

"Do you think you'll be here for the holidays or even come back for a visit?" I could tell Chance kept his voice light.

He didn't want to pressure me, but I felt the familiar weight on my chest from his question. "I'm not sure what my plans are yet." If an opening comes up, I'd have to take it. Especially since it looked like Steve had badmouthed me to other productions.

"It's been nice having you." Then his eyes widened. "But no pressure."

I laughed. "It's okay. I know you and Mom and Dad want me to stay. It's not a secret."

"I don't want to put more pressure on you. I know it just pushes you away."

That made me pause. I knew that about myself, but hearing Chance say it was eye opening. My family wanted me in their life, and I was resistant. What was wrong with me?

"I'll visit more often. Telluride is starting to work its charm on me." I loved that old theater. The smell, the sounds of the kids' laughter. I could walk to quaint shops and restaurants. I enjoyed seeing Marigold and getting to know Eli.

Chance grinned as he pushed his plate away. "What are your plans for tonight?"

"Marigold wants to start dating again, so she's coming over for a hot night out," I said, excited to see my friend dating.

Chance blinked. "Marigold is coming here so you can troll for guys?"

I pulled back in surprise at his harsh tone. "I wouldn't put it like that."

Chance looked away. "I didn't know she was dating."

I tipped my head to the side. "She's in her late twenties. She wants a serious relationship, marriage, and kids. The whole nine yards. It's what she's always wanted."

Chance shifted in his chair. "And she thinks she's ready for it now?"

"Most women feel the pressure when they get older. We have a biological clock that's ticking." Not that it had ever bothered me. I could understand Marigold's desire for a family.

His cheeks turned red this time. "I haven't seen her with anyone."

"She wants to meet someone, and she hasn't organically. You know how it is. Everyone knows everyone in a small town. You either already dated them, or they haven't asked, and you assume they aren't interested."

Chance tugged on his collar. "I don't know about that."

"It's been ten years since we graduated from high school. If any of the guys wanted her, they would have made it known. She needs to cast a wider net. And I thought it would be fun for her to practice flirting with the tourists."

Chance coughed. "Why is that?"

"She can't get hurt. She could even hook up with one of them if she wanted to. No strings attached and all that. They'll be gone before you know it. No pressure or expectation." I waved a hand in the air like it was no big deal.

Chance tugged at his collar. "You girls are doing that here?"

"We'll probably hang out at the bar, then make our way to the club." Eli had a small club that was only open on the weekends. It was a nice place to dance, and I wanted to let loose.

"I should probably stick around."

I shook my head. "That's not a good idea. Marigold doesn't need you hovering over her and cockblocking her."


I huffed out a breath. "What? Like you don't talk like that with your friends."