Chance cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with this conversation. "I haven't heard my sister talk like that."
"Let Marigold have her night out. The poor thing doesn't get out enough as it is." I, for one, was enjoying this conversation. Chance was obviously upset that Marigold was dating. Why was that?
"I think she prefers to stay home."
"Not if she wants to meet someone." I met Eli because he was a family friend. I wondered if any of those would fit the bill. "You have any single friends you'd recommend for her?"
His eyes widened. "My only single friends are the Wilde brothers, but I wouldn't recommend any of them. Too wild for Marigold."
"Maybe she needs a little wild in her life. They do say opposites attract," I sing-songed, secretly hoping I was getting to him. If he'd ever been interested in Marigold, now was the time to realize and make his move.
"I don't know about that."
I was relieved that Chance didn’t know about us, but it bothered me that he thought Eli was single. I suppose he was technically. We hadn't put any labels on what we were doing. But I assumed he wasn't seeing anyone while we were hooking up. The thought of him dating someone else when I left town didn't sit right with me either. But I didn't have a reason to complain. If I couldn't commit to him, then he deserved someone who would.
The idea of another woman moving into my condo and sharing the rooftop deck was uncomfortable.
Chance paid the check, and then we moved to the bar area to wait for Marigold. I'd worn a short black dress, perfect for dinner and the night club.
Marigold arrived a short while later in an emerald dress and sky-high stilettos. Her blond hair pulled into a ponytail that curved over her shoulder.
I got up to hug her. "I suggested this one, but I didn't think you'd actually do it."
Marigold stepped back and looked down at her dress. "Is it too much?"
A throat cleared from behind me. "It's perfect."
Marigold's gaze flew up. "You think so?"
"I think you two are going to need an escort to the club." Chance grabbed our drinks from the bar, and I discreetly texted Eli to intercept him. The last thing we needed was the town sheriff watching over us. Marigold wouldn't be able to meet anyone with Chance scaring off any men who dared talk to her.
The club was dark, and the music thumping.
Eli met us at the door. "I reserved the VIP lounge for you."
I linked my arm with Marigold's. "I feel special now."
"It's more of a way to keep an eye on them," I heard Eli murmur to Chance. They joined us in the VIP lounge, which had a view of the dance floor. There were food and drinks. But we stood at the edge to people watch.
"You want to go out there?" I asked Marigold once she drank a little of her drink, and her hips swayed to the music.
"Let's do it," she said with a smile.
I gave Eli a look, and when Chance attempted to follow us, he stopped him. "Let them have their fun. We can watch from here."
I wasn't worried about running into any trouble on the dance floor, but it was nice to have Chance and Eli looking out for us. Hopefully, they wouldn't interfere with Marigold getting some action tonight. I'd settle for a guy dancing with her. A kiss would be a bonus.
She wasn't a one-night stand kind of girl, but I hoped this would make her feel more confident and ready to date.
I led the way to the dance floor, not stopping until we were in the center of the action. I threw my arms in the air and shimmied my hips to the rhythm. I didn't care about the words. It was all about the beat.
Dancing reminded me of being on a stage except without the choreography. I could let go and just be.
When I felt someone move up behind me, I edged away toward Marigold. I was good at deflecting unwanted attention. I was on a dance floor to move, not to pick up men. But when another guy creeped up behind Marigold, I let him. I wanted her to flirt and have some fun.
The man was a lanky blond. A little too preppy for my taste and probably five years younger than us. He got points for being tall, but I liked a guy with a little muscle on his body. Maybe one who was older, more mature, and liked to wear suits.
My gaze flitted to Eli, who stood in the VIP section. It looked like he was in a heated discussion with Chance. I wondered what that was about.