Page 87 of Fire in My Heart

When I was done, Wes appeared at my side. “We heard what happened. Are you okay?”

I’d covered my arms with a sweater so no one could see the mark on my wrist. I hadn’t bothered covering the one on my chin with makeup. “I will be.”

Wes nodded. “Teddy moved back to his house.”

“He said it would be ready soon.” But this was days earlier than he said he’d go back. He really wanted to get away from me.

“He told me you two were together.”

“We were.”

“He’s stubborn.”

“I wasn’t honest with him, and he values honesty above all else. I should have known this would happen.”

Wes rocked back on his heels. “I didn’t say we agreed with his position.”

“I assume he needs some time and space.” Even if it broke my heart to stay away from him and not beg for his forgiveness.

“Once he sets his mind to something, it can be tough to change it.”

I sighed. “I filed a petition with the court for protection. I need to cover myself in this situation. I’d love to have him by my side. But I understand why it’s difficult for him.” I had resigned myself to this being my new norm. I would be alone from now on.

Wes nodded. “For what it’s worth, I liked you for him.”

I smiled, but it felt forced. “Teddy makes up his own mind about things.”

Wes nodded and took a step back. “Let us know if you need anything. Dad was worried about you too. You might want to stop in and tell him you’re okay.”

“I can do that.” I’d grown fond of him over the last year.

“Take care of yourself.” Wes walked away, and my heartbroke all over again because Teddy wasn’t here. It was his brothers who were offering support.

I headed to the main house and knocked on the door. When Al opened it, I attempted to smile. It must have fallen short of soothing his worries, because he ushered me inside. “Would you like some tea or coffee?”

“Coffee would be great.” I was mentally exhausted after everything. I sat at the table while he poured me a glass from his carafe.

Al raised a brow. “Milk?”

“Black is fine.” I’d had enough sweet with breakfast.

Al poured a second mug and brought both over to the table. He sat, then slid mine toward me. Steam poured from the mug.

“I was sorry to hear what happened last night. I know you came here to hide from whoever was bothering you.”

“I shouldn’t have come here and put you in that position.”

He cradled the mug in his hands. “Oh, I think my kids can take care of themselves. I’m more worried about you.”

“I thought it would be good to hide out here. That my ex wouldn’t find me. But as soon as I spent time in town, he followed me. I can’t keep hiding from him. I went to court this morning and filed for a peace order.”

Al nodded. “That’s good. I’m glad you did that. So many women don’t.”

“This is the third time he’s assaulted me.” The word felt foreign in my mouth, but it was the one that the officers and Teddy used last night to describe what I experienced. It still felt like those things happened to other people. “So it’s not like I acted swiftly.”

Al covered my hand with his. “I’m proud of you for doing it.”

I let out a breath, my eyes stinging with tears. “I have to be honest with you. I’m in love with your son, and I didn’t tell him about the trouble with my ex. He’s not happy.”