Page 88 of Fire in My Heart

Al sat back in his chair, considering me. “Teddy. I hoped something would happen between you two.”

“We planned to tell you on Christmas.”

Al blew out a breath. “I assume Teddy is upset about you keeping him in the dark.”

I nodded miserably. “The only way it would have been acceptable was if I’d told him before anything happened between us. But it was kind of quick, and then I didn’t want to ruin what we had. I suspected he wouldn’t be okay with it.”

“You mean he’d want to protect you,” Al said, shifting in his chair.

I blew over the coffee, desperately needing the caffeine. “I knew he’d be upset that I’d kept it from him.”

“Maybe at first. But I suspect he’s kicking himself for not seeing the signs sooner so that he could keep you safe.”

My brow furrowed. “Are you sure about that? I figured he’d be upset that I got myself into that situation in the first place.”

“Teddy is motivated to protect the people he loves. If he’s in love with you, I assume he’s torn about not being there for you.”

“Because I didn’t tell him the truth.”

“I expect he’ll come around. Just give him some time.”

“I hope you’re right.” I smiled as much as I could before taking a small sip of coffee.

“I hope you know you’re welcome to come to Christmas dinner.”

“Thank you, but I couldn’t.” That was the meal when we were supposed to come out as a couple. “I wouldn’t want to make Teddy uncomfortable.”

“Just think about it. We’d love to have you. You’ve become a fixture around here, and we couldn’t have done any of this without you.” He set his mug down and reached for a manilla file folder. “Speaking of, I wanted to ask if you’d stay on in a consulting position. I’d love it if you could maintain the socialmedia pages and consult with us on things we can do to increase revenue.”

I opened the folder and saw the offer at the bottom of the page. “This is more than generous.”

“You’ve been so helpful, and you really got to know us as a family. We can’t continue to host these events and keep up with the social media stuff without you.”

“Are you sure Teddy will be okay with this?” I asked him, knowing that was the only thing holding me back.

“Let me worry about Teddy,” Al said gruffly.

My forehead wrinkled. “If he has a problem with it?—”

“That didn’t stop you last time.”

I smiled, the first genuine one I’d managed today. “That’s true. Okay. I accept.”

“That’s my girl.”

I leaned over and hugged Al. He was like the father figure I never had. Just the thought of that sparked more tears. “I love working here. Thank you for the opportunity.”

Al got up and followed me to the door. “If I don’t see you at Christmas, have a good one.”

“Thank you again. For everything.”

“Things will work out. You’ll see.”

Instead of responding, I waved as I headed to my car. I wasn’t so sure of anything anymore. But I was pleased that my work was appreciated, that I had a steady marketing job. It wasn’t full-time, so I’d need to add a few more. But I wouldn’t need to go back to a firm. The Calloways had ensured that.