What the…
He shook me off before I could make further commentary; storming out of the room without another word. Everyone seemed to be confused as to what the fuck just happened, but it only took a few seconds and a reminder of the pressing clock ticking against us with this mission to get everyone moving to gather the essentials.
The hurt and confusion I felt quickly gave way to determination, as I hurried after Liam, concern overriding my initial anger at his attempts to sideline me.
"Liam, wait!" I called out the moment I caught sight of him. Catching up to him in the corridor, I grabbed his arm, forcing him to face me. "What's going on with you? You're not acting like yourself."
He turned, and the intensity in his eyes nearly took my breath away. There was something wild there, something primal that sent a shiver down my spine while I instinctively took a few steps back.
It was like looking at a stranger and my best friend all at once.
He noticed immediately, realizing my reaction before cursing under his breath. Closing his eyes and pinching his nose, he took a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly.
"I can't explain it right now," he said, his voice rough with emotion. "But I need you to trust me, Sparrow. This mission... it's more dangerous than you know. Not just because of the hostage situation, but because of who you are. Who we both are."
Okay? That would be helpful if I knew who the fuck I’m supposed to be and what he apparently is? Why does it seem like everyone has been talking in riddles these days?
I stepped closer, drawn by some instinct I couldn't name.
"Then help me understand," I pleaded. "You were about to tell me something earlier, about a prophecy, right? What?—"
My words cut off as I caught a whiff of his scent. It was intoxicating, like nothing I'd ever smelled before, and it set my body ablaze — a warmth spreading through me that had nothing to do with the stuffy underground air.
Every nerve ending felt alive, hyper-aware of his proximity. His scent wrapped around me like the warmest blanket — asense of security and protection thrumming through me despite the situation at hand.
It felt like a mental fuck, while it was very obvious my body was reacting to something.
I didn’t want to acknowledge the way my core tightened with heat while I dared accept the sudden wetness pooling between my legs.
The growing ache of lust and desire fighting to claim what my body craved.
Liam must have sensed the change in me or could he have been reacting to whatever was in the air. His nostrils flared, and a low sound – almost like a growl – rumbled in his chest. The sound sent a jolt of heat straight to my core, followed by the rest of my body. I felt flushed, far too hot, like suddenly we were in the pits of summer, despite it clearly being fall season.
I found myself pressing my thighs together, suddenly hyper-aware of my body's response to him. I dare to even say I was fighting to make a noise of my own, but a tiny part of my mind registered the very obvious fact that I don’t make noises.
At least, unless I’m in bed, spread out wide, and being fucked in my dreams.
"Sparrow," Liam whispers my name, sounding like both a warning and a prayer on his lips. "We can't... not now. The mission?—"
"Y-You’re right," I said, though every fiber of my being was screaming for me to close the distance between us. "You have to be right…with whatever you just said.” God, I don’t even make sense. “But…ugh. This is becoming a bunch of repetitive bullshit!”
Now I was just getting frustrated because it was true. I’ve spoken up, over and over again that I don’t know what’s happening, and it seems whenever I’m about to get an answer tothis growing mystery, we get interrupted. It was getting on my nerves, and it was about time Liam understood that.
I put my hands in the air before huffing and crossing them tightly across my chest. Maybe I’m trying desperately to hide how hard my nipples are and the very obvious way they’re poking out of the white V-neck I always wear for meetings like this.
“Can we confront the elephant in the room already, Liam?!” I snarl in a demanding tone. It’s not necessarily rude, but it sure isn’t nice. “Why the fuck do I feel like this? What’s this…” I pause to move my hands between us. “This crazy unexplainable pull between us.”
I let out a huff, trying hard to ignore this need to make a harmonic sound. It was like a nagging urge to do it, which I was fighting hard to prevent.
“Why are you suddenly acting like some predatorial boyfriend who needs to ensure every fucking person with a cock doesn’t get near me? Like you NEVER act out like you did back there. Heck, you never attempted to offer the idea of me not going on a mission. Even when it’s the most dangerous or potentially lethal circumstances being offered. We’ve done scarier shit than rescuing a bunch of women from a random compound in some hidden part of the city. You of all people know that unless I say I can’t do it, I’m always going to be on board,” I lecture him with an accusing finger. “So what the fuck?! Talk to me already, because I’m damn ass tired of being left in the dark like some pitiful bitch waiting for her knight in shining armor to rescue her.”
I lower my finger and further glare his way.
“And you KNOW I’ll never be a damsel in distress. Not yesterday. Not today, and certainly not tomorrow!”
He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as if to steady himself.
When he opened them again, the wild look was still there but tempered now with something else.