Determination? Resignation?
"There's so much I need to tell you," he said softly, reaching up to cup my face in his hand. The touch sent sparks dancing across my flushed skin, but I was even more perplexed by how he was holding my face.As if he’s desperate to comfort me…like some sort of lost lover.“About…us? What we are in this fucked up society that seems so insignificant in comparison. I’ve strived to protect you from it. Praying destiny wouldn't come knocking so fucking soon.”
I’m not grasping what he means. Sure, I understand the words that are being said, but I can’t find their meaning or how they relate to us. How is the world insignificant in comparison to such a situation? None of it made sense to me.
Despite the uncertainty that’s wrapped in this woven sheet of bewilderment, I’d be lying if I pretended that his hold on me didn’t make me want to melt at his touch. How my heart was pounding so fucking hard that I’m sure even he could hear my drumming turmoil.
“Liam,” I whisper his name while daring to let him see just how puzzled I am with all of this. “If there’s something I need to know before this mission, it’s best we talk about it here and now.” I mean it because something in my gut is screaming. To hear what needs to be spoken with words and not mental wishes and hopes.
I’ve known Liam long enough to accept he’s the type that will keep everything in and regret not saying what he yearned to share after it’s far too late to back pedal. It’s a negative trait — Ieven dare to say it’s a hindrance in my books —but I’ve learned to accept that Liam is just like that.
There’s nothing wrong with it. We just have to take the initiative to make it easier for everyone to understand his actions are genuine and not ill-mannered.
I knew back there, all he wanted to do was protect me.
I’m sure even now, as he cupped my cheek with his hand that dare carry a hint of trembling fear in those quivering hands, I knew he’d not only shield me from the unpredictable world around us but coach me along the way for support, aware that I never truly experienced such an emotion yet.
“No more secrets,” I practically beg him and dare let myself lean closer to him, our bodies barely touching. If our gaze was intense before, it’s nothing like the brewing energy fighting to ruin us now. His aroma was the strongest I’ve ever smelt, an almost dizzying intensity, and yet made me feel so relaxed in his presence.
So safe…and protected?
“Please, Liam?” My eyes seek his submission, while my hands dare cling to his shirt with the slightest pinch. My heart is pounding so hard, the ringing in my ears almost unbearable as I hold my breath with uncertainty.
For a moment, we stood there, teetering on the edge of something monumental.
Then, with a groan of what sounded like defeat, Liam closed the distance between us — his lips smashing into mine in a desperate kiss that filled the words he couldn't say.
My drawled-out moan echoes against the walls of his mouth as I melt into him. My arms wrapped around his neck as I returned the kiss with equal fervor, the two of us making noises I haven’t heard in a long ass time.
If the aroma around us was strong before, it is vibrant now as a floral scent of midnight lavender and what I dare mix with a tempting hibiscus. It dances with the scents of pine and evergreen, the mix of the forest with a touch of frost.
My insides felt like they were on fire, but the temperature around us chilled as if to compensate for this imbalance of power and lust. All of this felt like some sort of play of balance; a part of me feeling as if I’m right at home, where I belong, while the other ventures into the unknown.
Like pieces of a puzzle I didn't know existed finally clicking into place.
My fingers cling to his shirt, pulling him further against me while he ends up pinning me to the wall behind me. I gasp when he deepens the kiss, all while his leg inches between my legs, kneeing into my pulsing lower region.
I hoped the leather of my pants was thick enough to conceal the scent of my juices that easily cascaded into my lace underwear; the sexual tension had built my arousal, only to be set off into motion by just a kiss.
A dominating, air-consuming kiss that made the world spin.
“Guess Liam is sulking in the corner.” Laughter ignites, forcing us to break apart, but Liam’s hands further grip my arms so I’ll stay completely still. I hold my breath while looking up at him, realizing we’re going to get caught.
Oddly enough, he looked slightly bigger now.Wider even.Yet, he certainly couldn’t be big enough to cover me at this angle.
Liam looks over his shoulder, giving the group down the hall a venomous glare.
“Beat it,” he huffs, making the guys lift their hands like they’re scared of him.
They’re obviously not because they’re laughing in seconds.
“Oh no. Let’s scram before a temper tantrum Liam loses his cool,” one of the guys mocks and looks to his friends. “Marco already pissed him off calling out his crush on Agent Sparrow.”
“Oh, right,” another guy notes. “Even though it was fucking obvious. Man’s been in love with Sparrow for years.”
“Since the moment she entered our little tainted paradise,” a third guy mentioned. “Heck, let’s be real. Every fucker with a cock had a crush on her. She’s fucking hot.”
“Badass with a focused attitude and a mouth like a sailor if you get enough alcohol in her,” another praise.