Scarlett twisted to face Tava, her hair finished, and said with a wink, “Youmay be nobility, I suppose, but far from snobby.” Tava laughed again, rising to finish getting ready in her own room.
When Tava had left, Scarlett crossed to her full-length mirror near her closet. It would be good for Tava to get out. She had been aloof and quiet for weeks now, ever since hearing Sorin’s confession that he was Fae. She’d promised Scarlett she hadn’t said a word to her father, that she trusted Cassius and Scarlett to do with the information as they wished.She was still nervous and skittish, though, especially during the weekly dinners with the commanders.
Scarlett, on the other hand, thoroughly enjoyed the weekly dinners as of late. She spoke to everyone except Sorin, making it a point to actively ignore him, along with Mikale, of course. The few times she did speak to Sorin, her comments were snide, once even earning a slight clearing of the throat from Lord Tyndell. Although when she snuck a glance at him a few moments later, the Lord had an amused smile on his face.
Scarlett ran her hands down her sides and hips. The dress had been delivered along with a note last night from Nuri. Her attempt at an apology Scarlett supposed. The note had informed her of the party being held at the Pier, and the dress was simply stunning. It hugged her in all the right places. A gorgeous shade of red, the dress hung just to the floor and had deep slits up the sides revealing slivers of thigh when she moved. The back dipped dangerously low. Oh, she would certainly have to sneak out of the manor in this attire. Nuri’s love of finery and luxury was definitely a perk when it came to presents.
Scarlett knocked gently on Tava’s door before letting herself in. Tava was just sliding her shoes on, her turquoise dress striking against her tanned skin and blonde hair. Her dress revealed slivers of skin along her slim midriff and had a tight neckline that left her shoulders bare and exposed. Scarlett handed her the cloak hanging near the door, while slinging her own around her shoulders.
“Shall we?” Scarlett asked with a wide grin.
“I will admit, I am looking forward to it,” Tava replied hesitantly.
“Then let’s go dance until our feet ache and then push through the pain,” Scarlett answered, a real smile filling her face for the first time in weeks.
The party was already in full swing by the time they finally made it to the Pier, and it was better than she had anticipated. The music was loud and wild, the wine sweet and strong. Scarlett was not surprised to find Cassius there along with Drake, Mikale, Nevin, and the rest of their group of friends, which included, to her chagrin, Sorin. She ignored the sharp intakes of breath and sweeping eyes of men as she and Tava walked up. Scarlett didn’t say a word. She just glanced pointedly at Sorin then at Mikale, took the glass of wine Cassius extended to her with a wicked grin, downed the entire thing, and grabbed his hand, dragging him to the dance floor. Every time a tray came by, Cassius grabbed two more glasses of wine, and so they drank and danced.
“This, my darling Cassius, is why you truly are my favorite person in all of Windonelle,” Scarlett purred when he handed her yet another glass of wine.
“Thank goodness. I was starting to think someone else was taking my place,” Cassius replied with a wink.
Scarlett scowled at him, taking a deep drink of the wine. “Don’t ruin a good thing.”
Cassius chuckled, taking her now nearly empty glass. He placed them on a nearby table, then took her hand and pulled her close to him once more. The music was fast-paced, and Cassius whirled Scarlett around the dance floor again and again. “Is she coming tonight?” he asked after a time.
“I don’t care,” Scarlett answered, resting her head against Cassius’s shoulder.
“I know what she did was awful, Scarlett, but if we’re going to figure this out, you’re going to need to talk to her eventually,” Cassius said, leading her comfortably through a beautiful waltz.
Scarlett sighed. “I know, Cass. We’re working on a meeting with Callan right now. I just don’t want to see her until I have to.”
“Perhaps it would be wiser to clear the air before you meet with him, so you’re not facing two sources of heartache at once,” Cassius suggested gently.
“Perhaps,” was all she said as she closed her eyes and got lost in the music.
She didn’t know how long they’d been dancing, at least an hour or two, when Cassius leaned in and said over the noise, “I’ll be right back. We need more wine.” With a wink, he was swallowed by the crowd.
Scarlett turned and slid into the rhythm of the next song, dancing by herself without a care in the world, relishing the buzz of wine and freedom. She could see Tava across the room, sitting at a table and laughing at something someone had said to her. Scarlett smiled, glad to see her friend back to her old self, even if just for a night. Scarlett spun to the music, and the smile was quickly wiped from her face as Sorin stood before her.
She stopped dancing, swaying slightly from the alcohol, and watched as his eyes roved over her slowly. “Like what you see?”
Sorin smirked at her. “You have no idea.”
Scarlett rolled her eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“Cassius sent me to keep you company.”
“He would do no such thing,” Scarlett snapped, scanning the crowd for his brown hair.
“He is attempting to keep Mikale…occupied. He also anticipated you being upset and sent me with these as a peace offering,” Sorin said, holding up two glasses of wine.
“I don’t need a keeper,” Scarlett said, glaring at him.
“This I know well, Love,” Sorin replied with a chuckle, “but tonight, inthatdress and all the wine, a keeper wouldn’t hurt.”
“I told you not to call me that.” Scarlett eyed him a moment longer, than took a glass of wine from him. “I thought you were going home?”
Sorin seemed to flinch slightly. “I said I needed to return homesoon. Soon is a relative term, is it not?”