Page 61 of Lady of Darkness

“What are you talking about?”

“All in due time, Sorin. All in due time,” was all she said. Sorin gritted his teeth, and Nuri seemed to note the movement. “It’s wonderful being on the other side of a secret, isn’t it?” she said with a wink. “Did she have any suggestions on where to make this little rendezvous happen?”

“She was not in a particularly chatty mood,” Sorin replied, the thought of her lips on his taking over his memories once more.

“I suppose we shall have to do it here then,” Nuri said simply.

“What?” Sorin asked, her words snapping him from his thoughts.

“I suppose we shall—” she began repeating slowly, drawing out each word.

“I heard what you said,” Sorin barked. “Why here?”

“He is theCrown Prince, Sorin,” Nuri said as if he were dense. “We can’t exactly meet with him for tea, can we? If he comes here, if Scarlett and I are here a day or two before, no one will be any the wiser. It will look as if he’s coming to visit one of the generals of his father’s army.”

Sorin blinked. It had been so long since he’d dealt with the Night Children, he’d almost forgotten how clever and cunning they could be.


“I suppose if Scarlett will agree to come here, then it will be fine. But maybe, eventually, someone could fill me in on what is going on?”

“Use that charming demeanor of yours and ask Scarlett. This is her story to tell,” Nuri said.

“So everyone keeps saying,” Sorin grumbled.

“Although, be prepared that should we indeed meet here, you shall have to see her interact with Prince Callan and that is always… fascinating,” Nuri said contemplatively. “Anyway, I do have a job tonight and would love to fill my stomach before I venture out,” she said, suddenly rising and eyeing his arm.

Sorin rolled his eyes. “So glad I can be of service,” he said, rolling up the sleeve of his tunic. The feral look of hunger filled her eyes as she watched him. “What did you eat before I came along?”

“Ugh,” she said, her face filling with disgust. “My father keeps bottles of animal blood in the ice box for me. Fresh is always better, and Fae blood is divine.” Her face was near mesmerized as she sat next to him and sank her fangs into his wrist.

“Of course it is,” Sorin chuckled while she gulped a few mouthfuls of his blood as if she were dying of thirst.

Nuri pulled back, a drop of his blood on her chin. “Why are you so willing to let me feed on you?”

“It serves my own purposes,” he replied, a slow smile coming across his face as she bent to taste more. She froze at his implications.“How do you think I am able to refuse your alluring trances so easily?” She stared at him in shock. “Didn’t anyone teach you that should you drink Fae blood, the one you drink from not only becomes immune to your wiles, but you also cannot harm them until their blood has left your system? Which takes several days, by the way.”

“My father is not a vampyre. He likely does not know such things,” she said, her mouth forming a thin line.

“Perhaps not,” Sorin said, lifting his arm toward her. “Did you get your fill?”

Nuri bared her fangs at him, an inhuman growl coming from her throat. She stood, wiping her chin, and pulled her hood up. “There is a party at the Pier tomorrow night. I shall make sure Scarlett is there. She loves to dance. She will also stay out later than normal and events of interest to you may transpire should she not take her tonic in time. Do what you will with such information,” she snapped, stalking to the open window.

“Do come back if you need a snack, Nuri,” Sorin called after her, laughing as he rolled down his sleeve, and she disappeared into the shadows of the night.



Scarlett sat at her vanity while Tava curled and pinned a final section of hair into place.

“We haven’t been to a party in ages,” Scarlett mused, locking eyes with Tava in the mirror. “Aren’t you at all excited?”

“It will be like any other party, Scarlett,” Tava said, rolling her eyes.

“That’s where you are wrong, my friend. Parties at the Pier surpass any and all other parties. They are wilder and more freeing. Better music, better wine, and far less snobby nobility lingering around,” Scarlett replied, her eyes dancing with excitement.

Tava laughed. “Weare snobby nobility, remember?”