Page 142 of Lady of Darkness

She forced a breath down. Felt her lungs expand and contract as she focused on his doing the same under her fingers.

“Good,” he soothed. “Again.”

She did so. In and out. In and out. Again and again until their breathing was perfectly in sync.

After several minutes she said, “I’m fine.”

His eyes searched hers warily. “You are sure?”

“Yes,” she answered quietly.

His mouth quirked as if he didn’t believe her, but he sat back into the cushions again. “You did not go home last night.”

“You’re so observant,” she scoffed, hitting him with the pillow she had been sleeping on.

“Cassius is going to show up at my door any moment demanding to know what I have done to you,” he said with a smirk, bringing his arms above his head in a stretch.

“Will you be able to get away today? To meet with Callan and the others?

“I am sure I will,” he answered, rising to his feet. He crossed the room and went to the kitchen. When he emerged, he was carrying a plate of fruit,bread, and cheese. Two cups of tea appeared on the end table beside the sofa.

She picked up a cup of tea as he sat beside her once more and passed her a pear. She gave him a nod of thanks, and she said, “Now that you know everything, help me scheme, General.”

“Do you wish to tell Callan what I am? Whatyouare?” he asked, taking a bite of bread.

“If you think it will help,” she answered.

“I think it would help you convince the prince that you cannot be with him,” he said carefully.

She pressed her lips together into a line. “That is the least of my concerns.”

“It should be one of the greatest,” Sorin answered. “He is reckless because of his feelings for you.”

Scarlett sat up straighter at his words. “Maybe I should just go with you to your Fae lands,” she mused. “It would make things so much easier.”

“Running never makes things easier,” he replied halfheartedly.

She studied him a moment. His dark hair fell across his forehead, and his eyes seemed to go far away for a moment. She sighed. “I feel like I’ve spent my entire life running. Not running from something, but running to something. I just can never figure out what.”

His eyes came back to hers. “Maybe you just need to stand still long enough for it to catch up with you.”

A smile tugged at her mouth. “Such sage words from an ancient immortal being.” He barked a laugh. “How oldareyou anyway?”

“Age is irrelevant to us ancient immortal beings,” he answered with a wink.

“Just answer the question,” she said, taking a sip of tea.

“So demanding this morning, Princess.”

She rolled her eyes. “Wherever that pet name came from, you can cease use of it any time.”

Sorin seemed to hesitate. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a banging on the door. They both froze, their eyes going to the door. Cassius wouldn’t bang on the door like that, and Callan wouldn’t come here again so soon. Would he?

The banging sounded again, followed by, “General Renwell? It is Tava Tyndell. Please let me in.”

Tava banged on the door again, and Scarlett started from the couch, her tea cup crashing to the floor as she rushed for the door. She pulled it open just as Tava was reaching up to knock again.

“Thank the gods you are awake,” she exclaimed, rushing into the room.