I nod once, then glance over at Lucas and Christian. “Can you guys handle Tyler?”
Lucas nods. “Yup. We’ll take him over to the Fire Pit this afternoon.”
Our forefathers passed down more than just the bylaws. They passed down their methods for dealing with threats to the society and its members, as well. We have a long-standing relationship with the local crematorium, known within the society as the Fire Pit. A relationship that goes back generations. We pay them a retainer fee, and they’re available to get rid of any refuse we have lying around. It’s a pretty symbiotic relationship.
“Good,” I say, pushing off the wall. “Now all I need to do is find Lux. Explain shit to her.” My eyes meet Lucas’. “She’ll come around.”
He doesn’t say anything, but his expression says,she’d better…
Upstairs, in the living room, there are a few people hanging out. Among them are Wyn and her boyfriend, Gabriel, who also happens to be Lucas and Christian’s cousin. They’re tangled up in each other, talking, while a few of the guys play pool.
I walk up to the couch. “Yo, Wyn,” I say, lifting my chin at her. “I need to find Lux. Has she texted you?”
Wyn is laughing at something Gabriel just said, and she looks up at me mid-laugh. “What? Lux?”
“Yeah, where is she?”
She continues to laugh like my question is absurd. “How would I know?”
“You haven’t heard from her?”
She shakes her head, and she must hear the urgency in my voice because her expression falls. “Why? Is she okay?”
“Yeah,” I say with a sigh. “I just need to talk to her.”
Who else does she know? Then it dawns on me. Ethan-fucking-Ashford.
Anger spikes through me, but I curl my hands into fists and take deep breaths to calm myself. I have to keep my shit together. Everything that’s happening with Lux right now, is my own damn fault. Not Ash’s fault. Not Lux’s fault. And it’s my job to fucking fix it.
But, damn, just knowing she could be alone with Ash is eating me up inside.
Keep it together, Roman.
With a grunt, I get into my car and drive the few minutes to Ash’s house. I pull up in front and pop out of my car, not bothering to walk up the front door. There’s a chance Ash would tell his butler not to answer the door, so I cut out the middle man, and move around to the side of the house, through a gate, and go straight to the back.
Before I even reach the back patio, I hear her laughter. It floats on the breeze, delicate and unmistakable. That laughter that I’ve seldom induced, and I’m suddenly filled with jealousy that Ash is the one to bring it forward.
For the millionth time, I shove my anger down.
As I come around the corner, I see them on the patio, side by side, talking,laughing. I’m filled with a desperate need to knowwhat they’re saying. Are they talking about the events of today? Or sharing some secret inside joke?
I swallow and step forward. They’re about fifty feet in front of me, and I can hear Lux say, “Yeah, I don’t know.”
I clear my throat. “Lux.”
She stiffens instantly, and they both turn to face me. “Roman…” she says, scrambling to her feet. It’s clear she’s afraid—of me, I’m guessing. And I deserve that. What she saw earlier wasn’t pretty.
“Wow, that was quick. Who told you she was here?” Ash asks, standing as well. He shifts, so he’s just slightly in front of her, and I realize, it’s to protect her. Normally that would piss me off, and it does, but Ash isn't my focus right now, so I don’t even look at him. My focus is locked on Lux.
“Can we talk?”
She blinks like she’s trying to wake herself up from a dream. Or a nightmare. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
I step forward, and Ash flinches. I hold out my hand. “I’m not angry, I just…” Fuck, this is hard. “I need to explain.”
Maybe I shouldn’t have said that because she huffs and shakes her head. “There’s nothing to explain, is there? What happened, happened.”