I turn my back on him, and I can practically feel his rage burning even when I no longer see him. He's always been too fucking proud, and with not one buttwopeople walking away from him in front of otherfamiglie,I'm sure the humiliation is too much, and that's why...

Any time now...

He'll probably pull my hair back.

Or kick me from behind.

He's done that before.

And he'll likely get away with it because parental abuse is nothing new in the world we live in.

Perdonami, signora.

Remorse pinches my heart when I think of the ruckus that's likely to follow. Can I even forgive myself if my father losing his temper somehow affects negotiations, and—-

Here it comes.

My heart feels like it's about to explode.

Someone's coming towards me from behind.

But just as I squeeze my eyes shut and brace myself for the worst—-

"Mi dispiace, sono in ritardo." I'm sorry I'm late.

Strong, warm fingers slip between mine, and I automatically resume walking even when my eyes are still closed.

Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him.

Because I still need an extra second to keep my emotions in check.

I will never forgive him if I end up crying in public like this.

His grip tightens around mine.

Never ever ever!

We come to a stop, and I have no choice but to open my eyes.


We're in front of the elevator, and I find myself staring at our reflection...while Giancarlo stares at me.

"Fuck you," I hiss under my breath.

Giancarlo sighs. "Have you forgotten, signorina?"

"I've forgotten nothing—-"

"Things have already changed between us," he says softly. "And that's why I can no longer let such things slip."

What the fuck does that mean?

The elevator doors open, and I'm tempted to resist getting in with him.

"Don't even think about it," Giancarlo drawls. "Unless of course, you wish to make things worse."

I hate, hate,hatehim, but I hate myself even more because his threat fucking worked, and I end up following him meekly inside the elevator.