The doors have barely closed when Giancarlo makes a call, andwhat...what the fuck?
My heart jumps to my throat when Giancarlo pockets his phone.
Did I just hear him tell someone to turn the cameras off, and—-fuck!
Giancarlo calmly presses the huge red button on the panel, and the elevator shudders to a stop.
"What do you think you're doing?" I burst out.
"I needed to talk to you in private."
"Then wait until we get home!"
"Some things must never be delayed, and this is one of them."
What the hell isthiseven?
"If this is about my father—-"
"We'll talk about that later, but for now—-I need you to remember this lesson."
What lesson?
"As my future bride, you are expected to set an example and be mindful of your words."
I don't know whether to laugh or call 911 because we've got a madman on the loose.
"That'swhat can't be delayed? You want to give me a lesson because I fuc—-"
Giancarlo crosses his arms over his chest oh so slowly...and whatever I have to say simply dies in my throat.
How does he do it, dammit?
How is it that he only has to look at me a certain way, and my courage instantly flees like it knows it will never stand a chance against him?
"Two things are known to motivate humans."
Reward or punishment.
Dark eyes gleam at me in approval, and my stupid heart actually skips a beat at this.
"Since it's obvious you already know what I'm getting at, make your choice then. Promise me you'll watch your language from here on, andIwill be your reward—-"
All I can do is choke.
The fucking gall of this jerk!
"Or you can continue defying me, andIwill be your punishment."
His lips slowly curve in a smirk, and oh, how I fucking wish I had the guts to slap the shit out of his too-handsome face.
"What kind of choice is that? There isn't even any difference—-"
"Ah, but there is," Giancarlo assures me. "A world of difference, in fact, and you'll know once you experience both."
If he's saying I should also allow myself to be punished just to know the difference—-
Thanks, but fuck no.