Or his pride at least.

But even as I hate myself for it, I'm also glad that I know now of at least one chink in his armor. That I give a shit about his age is a complete lie, but I'll let him think what he thinks.

For his sake.

"I know the gap in our ages may seem...incomprehensible at the moment—-"

"It willalwaysbe massive." I don't even know howoldhe is, but who cares?

"But you may think differently down the line."

"I doubt it."

"We'll talk about this again when you're old enough. But in the meantime—-is there anything else you want to talk about?"

"I won't change my mind.Ever."

But all he does is smile like he hasn't heard a single word I've said. "Buonanotte, Sari—-"

I slam the door on his face, and my heart jumps to my throat.

What the fuck did I just do?

But instead of Giancarlo pounding on the door like Jack Nicholson turning into a possessed madman inThe Shining,all I hear are his footsteps fading as he walks away.

My heartbeat gradually slows down.

And it's only when my whole body starts shaking that I realize I'm crying again.

God, oh God.

Will I ever get used to living this kind of life?

Will the day ever come that I will no longer think one wrong word will earn me a beating?

And will I ever understand why God changed his mind about me?

Why do you have to be so complicated, God?

I want to hate him for giving me a shitty childhood.

But how can I, when he's more than made up for it?

The past is over and done with. The present is terrifyingly beautiful, and I might even have a future to look forward to.

Sei al sicuro.

You're safe now.

Sobs rock my body as the certainty of those words hits me anew. I can't even remember the last time I felt safe. Maybe I never have. Until now. And that's why—-

Please don't take this away from me.

I don't know if I can bear losing this and going back to my old life.

