Every word he utters cuts me to the core. I can't help but feel I've been acting like a kid who's whining about a little head bump while the person who's saved me is bleeding to death.

"I know you think I'm too old for you. But I had no other choice. Your father was adamant about marrying you off to Martino, and I had to act fast."

I feel like I'm about to drown in shame now.

Why, God?


After fifteen long years of ignoring God's existence, something inside of me seems to have snapped, and I suddenly can't seem to stop myself from talking andblaminghim.

So why, dammit?

Why should I have a father who keeps making me feel like a worthless piece of shit?


"If it means anything, I also offered your father a choice and have you marry one of my younger brothers instead. They would at least be closer to your marriage."

Great, just fucking great.

"But your father refused. It had to be the firstborn ofNonna's grandsons or the deal was off. And that's why you're stuck with me."

I know I should be grateful my future husband also happens to be a gentleman, but everything he's said just makes me feel like an even bigger loser than I already am.

Why couldn't he have just called a fucking spade a shovel?

I'm no pedophile, but your asshole of a dad left me no choice.

I couldn't just stand by and do nothing when I knew he planned to marry you off to your almost-rapist.

That's why I'm stuck with you.

If he had said any of those things, I'd at least have some pride left. I could've comforted myself with the knowledge that the man who saved me wasn't perfect.

But with Giancarlo Marchetti being soperfectlynice when he doesn't have to be?

"I owe you my life. I'll never forget that, and I'll do whatever it takes to pay you back. My life is yours to forfeit. But the one thing I'll never do is to marry you."


Because you don't deserve a loser like me.

But since I'mnothumble enough to admit the truth out loud—-

My chin goes up even as clichés of every kind flash warningly in my mind.

Pride cometh before a fall, Sarica.

The tallest trees catch the most wind.

So don't cut your nose to spite your face.

It's good and smart shit to heed, but instead, I hear myself say, "Because it's exactly what you said. You're too old for me."

His lips tighten, and my chest tightens.

I think I've hurt him.