“How are you going to deal with the flat of my hand on yournaked ass?” Sawyer growled.
Sabrina’s breath hitched. “I’ll probably cry and curse yourname until you fuck me, Sawyer.”
Wyatt stood up. “Do either of you understand what happenedtonight?”
Sabrina’s expression softened. “I understand you had to facesomething you hoped you never would again. Wyatt, don’t pull away from me. Youwere wrong to try to push me away. I’m not fragile. I’m not going to break downbecause you have to beat the crap out of some guys who deserved it. Though I amgoing to ask you to be prepared for a couple of the kids in my class to kickyou in the shins. I tried to explain to Paige it wasn’t necessary, but she canbe stubborn. And Charlie and Zander tend to do what she says. Maybe you shouldwear shin guards for a couple of weeks.”
What the hell?
Sawyer threw back his head and laughed.
But Wyatt got into her space, putting his hands on hershoulders and barely stopping himself from shaking some sense into her. “Thisis not a joke.”
Her hands came up, and the minute she touched his face hewanted to hug her. Warmth seemed to spill from her into him, a calm sensetelling him they could handle anything. “I know. I’m so sorry he came back intoyour life. But he was always going to, and you’re not alone now. You haveSawyer and you have me and you have this town.”
The town he was coming to love? He knew he’d made this veryargument to Sawyer, but now that the actual threat was here, all he could thinkabout was how nice they all were to him. How they had kids and futures, and hisbrother could take it all from them. Maybe they would win, but if Wayne wanteda war, he could do a shit ton of damage before they took him down.
He could hurt the kids Sabrina taught. The ones she lovedand centered her world around.
He could definitely hurt Sabrina.
“Don’t,” Sabrina said, her chin coming up and showing thestubborn expression on her face. “Don’t you sit there and pretend like I matterwhen you’re willing to leave me. If you care about me, you should be willing tolet me stand beside you. I’m not some meaningless sex toy. I’m not some dollyou hug for comfort. I’m a whole real human being who could be part of yourlife if you allow me to be.”
“He could kill you.”
“I could get hit by a car tomorrow,” she argued, tearswelling in her pretty eyes. “I could have a heart attack. I could get cancerlike my sister did. The truth of the matter is I’m going to die someday, andthere’s nothing you can do about it. But you can choose to live whatever life Ihave with me. Be brave, Wyatt. Don’t let them take your whole life from you.”
Every word drove into his soul. Was he doing what she’daccused him of? Was he treating her like a toy and not the brave, resourcefulwoman she was? But how could he put her in danger? How would he ever live withhimself?
“Wyatt, it’s done,” Sawyer said, moving in closer, his armsover his chest. “She’s on their radar, and there’s not a damn thing you can doabout it except spank her ass red and take out all of your tension on herpretty pussy. And her mouth. And maybe her asshole, if she’s ready.”
Sawyer wasn’t helping. “You’re supposed to be the voice ofreason. You’re literally the person who told me this was a bad idea.”
“It is, and we’re going to have to deal with it, but mygrandfather always told me when fate walks in, there’s not a hell of a lot youcan do.” Sawyer stared at her, his hand coming out to stroke her hair. Sheleaned into his touch. “The night I saw her for the first time, you showed upon my doorstep. I don’t think I ever had a choice. I think you two might be myfate. And that sucks for you. I thought I could help you avoid it, but you’reboth stubborn assholes, and you might be stuck with me now.”
“Not if I leave tonight,” Wyatt vowed.
“With what?” Sabrina asked, her eyes wide and guileless asshe looked up at him.
Sawyer snorted. “I knew you were up to something. What didyou do, brat?”
Wyatt wasn’t sure what she could have done. Until heremembered how she’d brushed up against him as the sheriff and his deputies hadhauled off his brother’s enforcers. He stepped back and felt for his wallet.His back pocket was completely empty. And he didn’t have the keys to his bike.Shock flashed through him. His sweet schoolteacher had rolled him? “Where is mywallet, Sabrina?”
“You can have it and your keys back when you’re willing tobe reasonable and not make emotional decisions that could harm all the peopleyou care about.” She went back to her tequila as though she hadn’t taken almosteverything he owned. “Until then consider yourself in time-out.”
The idea of spanking her held a lot of appeal. “I canhotwire the bike, Sabrina.”
“Maybe, but what are you going to do about the tires?”Sabrina asked. “I asked Lark to let the air out of them. While y’all werecleaning up, Lark and I decided you shouldn’t make big decisions right now.Apparently Lark has been going to a textile arts class with Callie and she’sheard the whole story about how Callie trashed Zane’s bike so he couldn’tsacrifice himself in a burst of male drama.”
Sawyer took a shot of tequila and lifted it Sabrina’s way.“Every word out of your mouth is going to be accounted for tonight.”
“Am I wrong? You guys have one gear. The minute things gowrong you’re tossing yourself on the fire. Be creative. There are other ways tosolve problems,” she argued. “Sometimes you have to take away options sostudents can learn how to do things differently.”
“I am not one of your students.” Wyatt wasn’t sure if he wasangry or… No one had ever fought for him with the singular exception of hisonly real friend, the man who’d called it all fate. Certainly no woman hadstood in between him and danger. Not his mother. Not any of the women he’dcalled aunts.
“You’re lucky because I would have notes,” Sabrina said.
“She is asking for it, brother. Now I realize she’s beenbegging for it since the day she set eyes on us.” Sawyer tipped back the shot,downing it in one go. He slapped the glass on the bar. “She’s got us in acorner. If you run, all you’re doing is leaving me alone to take care of her.Your brother’s going to do what he’s going to do, and leaving us alone helps noone at this point except you.”