“I’m not doing this to help me. Maybe if I go to him, offermyself up.” Wyatt was looking for any way out of the trap. It was a trap hewanted to be caught in so badly, but he didn’t see how it ended well.
Sawyer’s hand went to the back of Sabrina’s neck. “And whenhe wants to torture you? You think he’ll simply smack you around? The manliterally burned the skin off your chest and you still walked away. I don’tthink your own physical pain is going to do it for him. So he’ll come afterSabrina, who will be down a protector.”
Sabrina sighed as Sawyer tightened his hold. “I’ll stillhave you and my sister and Mel and Cass, and don’t discount Paige Harper. Thekid is mean. Oh, and Henry. Nell will give him a lecture about humaneassassinations, but they’re serious about Poppy’s education.”
Why wouldn’t she listen? “This is not a fucking joke.”
“No. It’s not, but you sacrificing yourself solves nothing,”Sabrina said. “And we can’t fix it tonight, but we can do something else. Wecan let this awful night lead us to something good. Wyatt, I think I’m fallingin love with you and with Sawyer, even though I know he gets a little sick whenhe hears the word. So we’ll say I’m used to his face and it would be annoyingto have to find another lover.”
Sawyer grinned. “You speak my language, baby. Back at you.”
Were they right? Was there anything he could do about thistonight? It appeared she’d cut off all avenues. It wasn’t like there was ahandy bus station he could walk to.
He could call his brother and turn himself in and the onlyeffect would be to put Sabrina in greater danger.
He needed to talk to someone, but he was pretty sureAlexei’s office was closed for the night.
So what else was there left to do?
She was falling in love with him? He was already madly inlove with her. In love for the first time in his life. He knew what he wanted.His friend. Their lover. Eventually their wife. He wanted to live with Sawyerand Sabrina right here in Bliss, where he could help Mel fight aliens and joinNell in whatever protest she happened to be involved in. He wanted to gosquatching, even though he wasn’t sure what that was, but Max Harper made itsound fun.
He wanted to be normal. A guy who loved his family.
“But we’re going to have a long discussion about how youbehaved this evening.” Sawyer stood, looming over her. “Because you could havegotten killed tonight. You could have made everything worse. I’m not playing orjoking, Sabrina. You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack tonight, and you’regoing to pay for it.”
“I’m not afraid of you,” she replied.
From what Wyatt could tell, she wasn’t afraid of anything oranyone.
“You’re not going to be able to sit tomorrow,” Sawyer vowed.
Sabrina walked over to the bar. She leaned over, offering upher backside, her palms on the railing. “I think you’ll find I can work whileI’m standing.”
Sawyer groaned. “If you’re not joining us, you should go upto the house because this is going to get wild, brother.”
He watched as Sawyer approached her.
Was he going to walk? Could he make the long walk up to thecabin, leaving them behind, leaving behind everything he wanted?
For one night, he could have it. It wouldn’t work. He wouldfind a way to save them both, but maybe Sawyer was right and they could havethis one night. She’d made it so he couldn’t go anywhere, couldn’t try to solvethe problem tonight, so why not indulge himself?
Before he found a way to kill his brother and end thethreat.
It might be a better plan than sacrificing himself. If hekilled them all, she would be safe.
Wyatt unbuckled his belt.
He wasn’t going anywhere. Not for the rest of the night.
Tomorrow he would figure out how far he would need to go tosave them all.
Sabrina knew she’d won this battle the minute she heard theclink of Wyatt’s belt hitting the floor.
She also knew damn well the war wasn’t over because she’dseen the look in his eyes. She rather thought Sawyer had made his decision andwould be grumbly but steadfast.
Wyatt was still thinking about how to sacrifice himself, andshe had to ensure it didn’t happen.