Just maim him a little. And hope Paige Harper never heardthe tale.
* * * *
Wyatt looked up at the clock, his heart clenching as herealized she was probably still sitting at Trio looking pretty as hell, and shenow knew she was all alone.
Had she left the restaurant when he’d blocked her?
Hey, what’s going on?
They were likely the last words he would hear from her. Notanger and rage. No promises of retribution. She’d been worried about him. He’dbeen as big an ass as he could be and she’d wanted to know what was going onbecause she couldn’t quite believe he would hurt her like that.
Now she knew. Blocking her would put all doubt to rest. Thenext time he saw her, he would be cold. He wouldn’t acknowledge she existed.
And in a few months, he would leave Bliss since it lookedlike Sawyer was right and his brother wasn’t going to let him go easily.
Sawyer slid a beer in front of him. He was sitting at theend of the bar, turned slightly since he was waiting for the moment when thedoor opened and his past came back to haunt him.
Did his brother know what he’d done and all of this was someelaborate plan to draw out the punishment? He wouldn’t put it past Wayne tocome up with some elaborate retribution. It would include some emotionaltorture.
Of course if Wayne knew, there would be way more thanemotional torture. There would be pain until he couldn’t handle it a secondmore and he gave up everything he’d done.
The one thing he was absolutely certain of was his sinswouldn’t touch Sabrina.
“How did she handle it?” Sawyer passed off two more beers toLark, who walked off to take it to table twelve.
“It was fine.” He hadn’t explained to Sawyer that he wasn’tgoing to take his oddly reasonable advice. This wasn’t a reasonable situation,and if Sabrina knew he was in trouble, she would want to help. Helping in thiscase might cost her mightily. “I don’t think she took things too seriously,either. She was only being polite.”
A brow rose over Sawyer’s dark eyes. “The woman let us playwith her asshole. She wasn’t being polite. She was into us. You, inparticular.”
He’d been right the first time, but Wyatt had given up hisdream. There would be no happy threesome, no settling into the sweetest, mostfun town he’d ever been in. He wouldn’t be everyone’s helpful friend, wouldn’tplay with the kids and the dogs and help out when someone needed strong arms.
He would leave as soon as he could and never look back, andwhen he got to the next place he would keep to himself. He wouldn’t put anyoneelse at risk.
“She wished me well and said everything is cool.” Let thatbe the end of it. He didn’t want some weird fight with Sawyer before he had todeal with his brother.
Dark eyes narrowed. “You’re lying.”
Wyatt huffed. “It’s none of your business.”
Perhaps pointing out he was being nosy would get the man toback off. Sawyer was the most misanthropic person he knew.
Of course he only knew what to call Sawyer because Sabrinahad a wide vocabulary and liked to share it with the world.
“Uh, it’s absolutely my business because if you didn’t dowhat I told you to do, we’re going to have a serious problem,” Sawyer replied.
“I solved the problem.”
“How did you solve the problem?” Sawyer was insistent. “Didyou give her some weird drug that makes you forget things? Did Jax have anyleft? Because unless you erased last weekend, she’s going to show up at somepoint in time. Look, if you did give her a drug, people are going to come afteryou. We need to make it clear you’re the only one responsible for thatparticular action because there are some boys from Texas who will take offense,and I don’t want to mess with them.”
When had Sawyer developed a sense of humor? It was a reallyinopportune time to develop a dry wit. “Of course I didn’t do anything to harmher physically. I’m trying my best to ensure nothing hurts her.”
“But you didn’t tell her what was happening? You came upwith some reasonable excuse for why you couldn’t join her this evening. Right?”
Sawyer was going to kill him tonight. “No. I didn’t. I toldher thanks for the sex but I wasn’t interested in seeing her again and then Iblocked her. So now she knows exactly who I am and she’ll stay away.”
Sawyer groaned, and his head fell back. “Damn it.”
He didn’t have to say anything else because the doors openedand four familiar men walked in. They were all wearing jeans and T-shirts andblack leather vests proclaiming their full membership in the Colorado Horde.