Alexei stepped closer. “Sabrina, if there is even thehintings Wyatt’s brother is trying to contact him…”
“He would want me to stay away.” A thrill of hope sprangthrough Sabrina. Was this Wyatt’s way of trying to protect her? Oh, the hopewas suddenly squashed by anger again. “He would rather break my heart than tellme what’s happening?”
“It’s just like a man,” Paige announced. “Don’t worry, Ms.Leal. Me and Charlie and Zander will get him.”
Callie’s eyes went wide, and she looked down at Rachel’smini-me. “I think we should leave the twins out of this.”
It was time to start taking control. If she was right andWyatt had done this to “protect” the little woman, he was about to find outexactly who the little woman was. And she was not going to have her studentsturn into a vigilante gang.
“I never leave Charlie and Zander out of anything, MissCallie,” Paige declared. “They’re my best friends and we love Miss Leal becauseshe is the best teacher in the world. We can take this Wyatt guy down. I bethe’s never even had a snake in his bed.”
Rachel gasped.
Max shrugged as though he should have expected it. “It’sfine. She won’t put a venomous one in.”
“Paige Harper,” Sabrina said in her best teacher voice, “youwill not put a snake in Wyatt’s bed.”
Paige nodded. “It would be hard. I don’t know where his bedis. So I’ll slip it into his boot when he’s not looking. See, this is whereCharlie and Zander come in. They’re real good with distractions.”
“We’re going to need bail funds,” Callie said under herbreath.
“Paige,” Sabrina said, reaching a hand out to Paige. “Mydarling girl, what is the most important thing we can be?”
Paige’s little mouth formed a flat line as though she wantedto argue, but she huffed out her response. “Kind.”
“Even when people are not kind to us, we have to remain trueto being the people we are. It doesn’t mean you let someone walk all over you,as Mr. Kemp is going to learn this evening, but it does mean we don’t seekrevenge over hurt feelings. We talk about our feelings. Also, it would beunkind to the snake.” She got a nod from Nell for that last bit of advice. “Iam going to talk to Mr. Kemp, and no matter the outcome, we’ll be polite toeach other.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Paige replied. “I hope it works out for you,and I won’t kick him next time I see him. But only for you.”
“She is a miracle worker,” Max breathed his wife’s way.
“I told you,” Rachel shot back. “Paige, could you please gohelp Papa with your brothers? I’ll be right there.”
Paige nodded and walked away, her ponytail swinging.
“Well, see now I think I should go beat the shit out ofhim,” Max said with a shake of his head.
Sabrina pointed his way. “Do you need the same lecture Igave your daughter?”
Max snapped to attention. “No, ma’am. You should handleWyatt in your kind way.”
“Perhaps we should talk tomorrow in my office,” Alexeioffered.
She wasn’t going to wait so long. But then she also didn’tneed five concerned parents following her to Hell on Wheels. She stood up andgrabbed her purse. “I will call him tomorrow after I’ve calmed down and ask ifwe can meet up. Thank you all for your time. I will see you at schooltomorrow.”
They all watched her warily as she walked away.
She made it out to her car when Gemma came rushing outbehind her.
“Hey, Sabrina,” she said as she caught up. “You know I’m alawyer, right? I got my Colorado license last year.”
“Good for you.” She wasn’t sure why Gemma thought she neededto know her career status. Her brain was already on the fight she was about totake on.
Had Sawyer told Wyatt breaking her heart would be the bestway to ensure she stayed away? They would talk about that, too.
Gemma frowned, arms crossing over her chest. “You’re notgoing home. You’re going to Hell on Wheels to take that man’s balls. I heartilyagree with this plan, though if anyone asks I had no idea. If you need to doshady shit, don’t tell me so I can defend you. It’ll be fun. All I’ve done sofar is file crap for the city. I would love a murder case.”
She wasn’t going to kill him.