Page 50 of Wild Bliss

“Yes, she does, and you know how crappy it is to have agirls night when the husband of one of the girls is the bartender?” Rachelasked. “We get lectures on singing too loud and drinking too much, and oh,Rachel, don’t dance on the tables. It’s not hygienic. I am the mother of threechildren under the age of seven. I do not need Zane Hollister being my daddy.”

She was thinking about the look on Sawyer’s face when sheproposed a girls night free for all at Hell on Wheels. It would probably goblank, like he couldn’t conceive the words had come out of her mouth.

But girls night could be fun. “Well, I have to convince himfirst. He’s made himself plain.”

“Did he or did he not take advantage of the storm to getinto your panties?” Rachel asked.

“He did,” Sabrina confirmed.

Callie sat down beside her friend. “Sawyer wouldn’t haveslept with you if he hadn’t really wanted you. I’ve known Sawyer for a longtime. He’s younger than me but we were in school together for a couple ofyears. He’s very straightforward.”

That was part of the problem. “Yes, he is and he’s told mewhat he wants.”

Rachel waved the thought off. “He’s also dumb as a post whenit comes to most things. The man thinks he’s the baddest dude in town. Sure,buddy. Maybe if you want to keep that schtick up you shouldn’t run aroundhelping old ladies get groceries in their cars or haul your ass out to thealien highway to ensure Mel’s watch posts are secure and he won’t break a legon the ladders. Max and Rye were planning to check them out, but Sawyer wasalready there working away. I would say he hates all of us, but he’s alwaysnice when I’m around him.”

“He thinks everyone is scared of him,” Sabrina explained.“Because he was in an outlaw MC.”

Rachel snorted while Callie laughed.

“Sure, we’re scared,” Rachel said, patting her son’s back.“I’ve probably killed more men than Sawyer.”

Rachel went there often. It was a bit intimidating. “Okay,so how do I get him to understand he’s not unwelcome?”

A long look passed between Callie and Rachel.

“I think the men of the town will have to do some of thework,” Callie replied. “You do what you have to do to get Sawyer to see hownice it would be to have people in his life. And the best plan of action ishaving sex.”

Rachel smiled. “A lot of sex. Oh, and if you can do thewhole ‘I don’t care about labels or stuff’ thing, it drives men like Sawyercrazy. If you convince him you do not care about locking him down, he will beso desperate to be locked down.”

“I would normally say Rachel is wrong, but I know Sawyer,and I think it’ll work on him,” Callie agreed. “He can be contrary.”

She wasn’t sure what they meant by the men having work todo, but she did agree Sawyer could be a little perverse.

The good news was she could talk to Wyatt about it. Hehadn’t wanted to leave Sawyer behind. He’d been all in on the Sawyer could jointhem in bed idea.

Her date this evening was going to be interesting.

Chapter Nine

“I don’t think it was the generator going out.” CameronBriggs looked down at the laptop on Wyatt’s desk.

Wyatt was starting to get a nasty feeling in his gut.Something wasn’t right. He could feel it.

“But it did go out.” Sawyer stood in the doorway. He’d beenon edge ever since the sheriff and Deputy Briggs had driven up, but he was morechill around the deputy. The sheriff was currently talking to Joe and Larkabout what they’d seen when they’d gotten to the bar this afternoon.

Briggs had checked out the security system. “Yes. Someonefucked with it. It’s got some wires cut.”

Sawyer waved him off with a sigh. “Nah, it’s freakingraccoons. They love to chew on anything they can find, and given how cold it’sbeen, it’s not surprising they found a way in.”

“Did they grow opposable thumbs and learn how to use wirecutters?” Briggs asked.

“I assume not,” Wyatt said, ignoring Sawyer’s perfectlynormal explanations.

“What?” Sawyer strode away, obviously going to check on thegenerator.

“Joe must have missed it.” Wyatt pulled up the securityrecords. Briggs was excellent with a computer, from what he’d heard. The deputyhad been a white hat hacker for most of his adult life.

“It would be easy to do since the wires they snipped wereinterior.” Briggs stepped in front of Wyatt’s desk. “Do you have any footagefrom yesterday? Anything right before the cams went out?”