Wyatt pulled up the security system. He was good with alaptop, too. It was the one thing his father had been willing to let him studywhen he’d shown some talent. He’d been allowed to take some classes, and they’dbrought in a hacker to teach Wyatt how to do various jobs that would help theclub. He knew how to change records and steal money. How to launder money.
Sabrina knew all of those things in an academic fashion.
How would she handle it if she had to really face what he’ddone in the past?
“I looked through it, but I couldn’t find anything.” Goingthrough the footage they did have was how he’d occupied himself most of theafternoon.
“They had to be inside to take out the generator,” Briggspointed out. “Sawyer was smart. He brought it inside a couple of years backbecause Maurice kept knocking into it. He doesn’t like the sounds it makes whenit’s running.”
Wyatt wasn’t certain they should give a moose so much power,but here he was. He found the footage he was looking for. “Are you going to tryto figure out who broke in? I thought we needed a police report for insurancepurposes. Joe thinks it’s probably some kids.”
“I’m not so sure about it,” Briggs said. “Kids wouldn’t beso thorough about covering their tracks. If it was someone who got stuck, theywouldn’t want the cameras off. They would want the security system to triggerbecause it would mean someone would come looking and rescue them. They wouldalso likely be around. You know I had a thought.” He pulled his radio out.“Hey, Gemma. Could you pull up the highway cams from yesterday around fourp.m.? The cams going from Bliss toward Hell on Wheels. Sure thing. Thanks.”
“That will be helpful.” Wyatt was impressed with howthorough they were being. “We can see who was in the area at the time. But Istill think this is kids. Or assholes who realized no one was watching theplace. They did steal the money from the cash register.”
“What if the point wasn’t robbery?” Briggs asked.
“If it wasn’t robbery and it wasn’t because of the storm,why would anyone break into a bar? I suppose there are people out there whobreak shit for fun, but they didn’t vandalize the whole place.” He’d beensurprised at how little damage was done. It had been somewhat halfhearted.They’d taken the money in the till and a couple of bottles of cheap whiskey,and for what? “Why would they go out of their way to make sure the cameras wereoff if they weren’t going to rob the place?”
“Assholes.” Sawyer walked in, a fierce frown on his face.“Do they have any idea how much cutting that wire is going to cost me? If I caneven get a damn electrician out here. I might have to buy a whole newgenerator.”
“Or you can get one of the Farley brothers to do it,” thesheriff said, walking in behind him. “Will rewired the bread oven at Trio forus a couple of weeks back. Kid hadn’t done anything like it before. Just lookedit up on the Internet and had it working in hours. Give a genius a YouTubevideo and you’ll be surprised what he can accomplish.”
“Sure. His mother’s going to let him come hang out at Hellon Wheels for a couple of hours,” Sawyer muttered.
“Those boys tend to do whatever they want since their dadtold them they could have a car if they could build one from Long-HairedRoger’s unused parts,” Briggs commented with a grin. “Looks like hell but theengine runs. I’ll be sad when those boys go off to college. The schoolteachersays she thinks she can get them into an Ivy League school.”
Sabrina. The mere mention of her name made him sit upstraighter. “I bet Sab…the schoolteacher would give them extra credit forhelping out. Like an engineering project.”
The sheriff snorted. “Is that how you’re playing this?”
“Playing?” Briggs asked.
“Oh, yeah. You weren’t around. Sabrina Leal got caught onthe mountain and had to spend three whole days with these two,” the sheriffsaid.
“Two and a half,” Sawyer corrected and then seemed torealize he’d said something out loud he’d probably meant to say only in hishead. “Her dad came and got her.”
And Sawyer had been pissed he’d missed his last night withher.
He had to convince Sabrina that leaving Sawyer out was amistake. He knew if they had more time together, Sawyer would fall into place.Oh, he wouldn’t make an announcement or anything, but one day it would simplybe normal for the three of them to be together, and there would be no goingback.
She was worried he would break her heart, but Wyatt wasgoing to make sure she understood it would be worth it. He would take care ofher no matter what.
They were a team.
It was so fucking good to have a team.
Briggs’s brows rose and he nodded. “Ah, so we think…”
“Sabrina is my girlfriend,” Wyatt announced. He wasn’t surewhy he’d hesitated. It wasn’t like they weren’t going out together in a publicplace this evening. “I’ve been crazy about her for a while now, and I used ourtime together to convince her to give me a shot. So I will absolutely ask herif one of the twins wouldn’t mind trying to fix the wiring on the generator.”
“She’s not mine.” Sawyer spat the words out like he had toget them on record or the world would explode.
Wyatt didn’t bother to hide his eye roll this time.
“I mean, she’s Wyatt’s.” Sawyer nodded, obviously trying toget his proverbial feet under him again. “I wanted to make it clear to everyonesince no one in this town seems to be able to handle a woman on their own.Wyatt can. He is.”
Now the sheriff was the one rolling his eyes. “Sure, Sawyer.You would never do the threesome thing. Never.”