“Oh, yeah. A couple of years back Stef built a wing of thehospital, and now we get this big old suite with overnight privileges for twoinstead of one,” Lucy explained. “We have to use it way more than you wouldthink.”
River had her cell in hand. “We’ll get back home now that weknow he’s okay, but you should understand life is about to change. We’re donewaiting for him to decide he wants to come out of his shell. We’re pulling himout. You’re about to get a bunch of invitations, and I hope you’ll accept them.He has a family that loves him, and we’ll love you, too, if you let us. We’llstart with dinner at my place next week, but you should remember the holidaysare coming up.”
Sabrina gave River a watery smile. “Yes, we would love to beinvited. And we’ll be there for dinner as long as Sawyer’s able.”
Caleb shrugged. “He’ll make it. He’s strong as a damn ox. Ishould be able to let him go home tomorrow if he promises to rest. Were theyable to save any of the bar?”
Sawyer’s employees had stayed behind, helping with thevolunteer fire fighting team trying to save Hell on Wheels. Lark had texted herwhen they’d finally gotten the fire out. “It’s pretty bad, but the structureheld. We’ve got a ton of work ahead of us.”
It didn’t scare her. She only hoped Sawyer wouldn’t be tooupset about the bargain he’d made.
Hours later, Sabrina came awake to the feel of a handsqueezing hers. She blinked in the early morning light and for a moment she wasdisoriented. She was in Del Norte. In the hospital. She’d fallen asleep sittingnext to Sawyer, praying he would wake up because despite all the doc’spromises, he looked so vulnerable.
“Hey, Teach,” he said with weary eyes, but his lips werecurling to a smile. “You okay? That was a killer swing.”
She sat straight up, putting his hand to her chest. “Youscared the hell out of us. Don’t ever, ever get shot again. I swear I can’thandle it.”
Wyatt rolled over on the second bed that was in the room.He’d fallen asleep at some point, and now he rubbed his eyes and got to hisfeet. “Damn, man. When you want to cause some chaos, you can cause some chaos.I barely managed to get Sabrina out. Everyone panicked. The ones who took offout the back got caught by Elisa and Henry, and Nate and Cam picked up the oneswho ran out the front.”
“And when did you lose track of her?” Sawyer asked, hisvoice a little gravelly. “I caused chaos so you could protect her.”
“She’s slippery,” Wyatt pointed out.
“If I hadn’t gone back for you, you would…” She couldn’teven say the words.
Sawyer’s hand squeezed hers. “Shh, Teach. I’m all right, andwe’re not going to have to worry about Wayne Kemp again.”
“No, we won’t because I talked to Dennis,” Wyatt said. “Hewants to testify, and he’s got proof. He was afraid for a long time, but hewants to come forward now.”
That was news to her. Maybe she had fallen asleep beforehim. “You called him.”
“He called me,” Wyatt explained. “Henry really did knowwhere he was and had him moved. Apparently he also talked to him and convincedhim the only way to be safe is to put Wayne behind bars for life. I know I’mgoing to testify. You should understand I might have to spend some time away.”
Sawyer groaned. “No, you won’t. Nate’ll make sure you get adeal in exchange for giving up the club.”
She would feel better when Wayne was safely behind bars.Forever. She held a hand out to Wyatt. “We’re not letting you go to jail.Neither one of us is great at cooking. If you leave, we’ll starve.”
“And I have a bar to rebuild,” Sawyer said with a chucklethat made him wince. “I can’t do it alone.”
“Somehow I think you’ll have plenty of help.” Sabrina heldboth their hands. “Sawyer, you know what I said…”
His dark eyes rolled. “You mean your lies so they didn’timmediately start beating me? Yeah, babe. I got that. But Wyatt needs to workon his bad dialogue. I only care about power? Who the fuck am I?”
Wyatt grinned, the expression lighting up her world. “Ithought it was pretty good myself.” He sobered. “It was touch and go, but Istayed calm. I never want to do that again. Let’s be the most boring threesomethis town has ever seen.”
Sawyer nodded. “I think boring sounds fine to me. I think Iwant to build the booths for the new bar. That’s the most excitement I want. Iwant to build something new, something for us and the town.”
She couldn’t think of anything better.
The door came open and her adoptive dad strode through,Cassidy behind him. She moved in and opened her arms.
“Come here, sweet girl,” Cass said, wrapping her arms aroundSabrina. “We were so worried when we heard. I’m sorry this is the first chancewe got to come in. It was our night watch out on the highway, and Mel isserious about keeping the lines of communication open.”
Her dad nodded, putting down the bag he’d been carrying.“It’s almost time for breeding season again. Got to keep a watch out. NowSawyer, how are you feeling? We stopped by the house and brought you somesnacks.”
Sawyer frowned. “Like chips? Or beets?”
Mel shrugged. “Why not both? Beet chips. They’ll keep youhealthy, son.”