She’d heard rumors Nell was pregnant and being careful aboutit.
She wouldn’t be able to even tease the thought of havingSawyer’s babies if he didn’t pull through.
He had to pull through.
Wyatt reached out and threaded his fingers around hers.“It’s going to be okay.”
She wasn’t sure since he’d had a hole in his chest.
“Hey, Sabrina,” a feminine voice said. “I’m Lucy and thisis…”
“River.” She’d seen pictures of these two along with Ty.They ranged from when they were kids to a picture at a wedding where Sawyer hadstood in the back and looked utterly uncomfortable in a suit. Lucy and Riverand Ty were Sawyer’s cobbled-together family. “It’s nice to formally meet you.I’ve heard a lot about you from Sawyer.”
River sank down to one of the seats. She looked like she’dhurried to get here. She was still in PJ pants, but she’d thrown a hoodie andher sneakers on. “How long has he been in and is it true the bar is a totalloss? I heard those bikers went crazy and started throwing Molotov cocktailsaround.”
“Oh, that was…” Wyatt began.
But Sabrina knew a couple of things. “Yep, that’s exactlywhat happened. When they began to realize they weren’t getting the answers theycame for, they wanted to burn it all down. I’ll let the sheriff know I’mwilling to go on record. Sawyer is going to need a police report if he’s goingto be able to get insurance to pay out.”
Which they wouldn’t if they knew it had been Sawyer’s ownemployee who’d tossed the bombs.
“Yes, I heard it, too.” Ty strode in, taking a place besideLucy, his hand holding hers. “Michael is parking, and Jax is going up toSawyer’s to pick up Bella. She can stay with River and Jax for a few days.”
“For tonight it’s fine, but I want her with me at home,”Sabrina said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound rude. I don’t like the idea ofBella not knowing where we are.”
River leaned over, putting a hand on hers. “It’s okay. We’llkeep her overnight since I doubt you’ll be leaving.”
The only way she would leave tonight would be if he…
Caleb Burke walked in. He’d been with Nate, too, and hadridden in the ambulance with Sawyer. Now he walked toward them in scrubs,looking beyond tired.
Sabrina stood. “He looks upset.”
Henry waved the thought off. “Nah. That’s just his face.He’s got a perpetual look of doom on his face. Sawyer’s good.”
“He is,” the doc said. “He’s going to need some rest, buthe’s a tough bastard.”
A wave of relief flooded Sabrina, and she slumped againstWyatt, clutching him like she would never let him go. She couldn’t stop thetears that had been building up. He was okay. He was alive.
Would he ever forgive her for the terrible things she’dsaid? She’d been so afraid he would die thinking she didn’t love him with allof her heart.
She looked up to Wyatt. “I said things…”
Wyatt squeezed her. “What things, baby? Don’t cry.Everything’s going to be okay.”
“I said I didn’t love him. I told your brother I was onlywith him because I loved you and you were a packaged deal. I never thought hewould hear me,” she admitted.
Wyatt sighed and stroked a hand down her hair. “Baby, youwere playing a role. I also accused him of only caring about money and power.”
Lucy snorted. “Power? Sawyer tries to avoid being placed inany position of power. It would mean talking too much.”
Wyatt forced her to look at him. “Baby, do you remember whenhe said he didn’t care what happened to us? Only to the bar? And then heproceeded to do something we will never talk about in front of insuranceagents. He didn’t mean it any more than you did. Now I do believe he’s going towant to talk to you about sneaking away from safety and running back into aburning bar to save him.”
“Yeah, I might talk to her about running into danger,” hersister said with a shake of her head.
“Well, do all of that on your time. For now, Sawyer’s out ofsurgery, and we’re moving him to one of the Bliss suites. I assume you’restaying.” Caleb pulled his scrub cap off.
“There’s a Bliss suite?” Wyatt asked the question she wascurious about, too.