Page 115 of Wild Bliss

“Oh, he can kick people, too,” Elisa assured him. “Henry’ssolid.”

“Against how many? In a small space?” Wyatt needed to pointout all the problems with the three of them running without backup.

Henry frowned. “It’s less likely. Did you check the securitycams? How many are we up against?”

Elisa’s jaw tightened. “I think they brought most of theirmembers. It’s at least fifteen, and I’m pretty sure there’s more coming, thoughthey should get here after Nate.”

“So I need to hold them off for ten minutes.” Wyatt tookanother long breath. This would be the performance of a lifetime, and if hedidn’t sell it, they could all die.

“Wyatt, they want to kill you,” Elisa pointed out quietly.“Aren’t they going to question how you got out?”

“My brother knows I have skills, and he’ll believe his guyscan fuck up. And yes, they want to kill me, but first they want to cause mepain. I’m going to make sure I take the pain and not your sister.” He needed aplan. “Cut the power when Nate gets here. That way I’ll know when the bulletsare going to fly and I can cover Sabrina. Henry, get to Lark. She won’t knowwhat’s coming.”

“Are you sure? Your brother is angry,” Henry said.

“My brother is always angry.” He’d been born with a rageinside him, and getting him even angrier would likely spare Sabrina and Sawyer.His head still ached, but he couldn’t hide away. This was a job only he coulddo.

Face the monster who’d never bothered to hide under the bed.Wayne had been the monster in his life since he’d been old enough to take abeating. When he’d displeased their father, Wayne had been the one to serve hispunishment. His father had said it was because one day Wayne would be Wyatt’spresident, and he should get used to doling out the punishments no matter whoit was to.

“Thank you, Wyatt,” Elisa said as he passed her by. “Ipromise I’ll cut the power the minute Nate gets here. He’s coming in withoutlights or sirens because he doesn’t want to tip your brother off, so don’texpect to know ahead of time. I’m pretty sure he’s bringing most of the Creededepartment with him. They’re pissed.”

Because two of their officers were down, and Nate hadapparently made them believe it wasn’t Wyatt’s fault. Or they would arrest himand he would start this whole cursed night all over again.

Henry stopped him, his eyes going down to the cattle prod inhis hands. “I think you have to go out there without weapons. If you’restalling, you need to give them not a single reason to open fire. Are you surethey’re going to believe you could take those men out on your own? If not, thenwe might need to just use the element of surprise. They’re not expecting us.”

“I have a certain reputation,” Wyatt said, his gutclenching, but he knew Henry was right. If he took the cattle prod, or worse,one of the guns with him, they would take him out quickly, and Sabrina couldget caught in the cross fire. He handed the weapon over. “I assure you, mybrother knows I can perform violent acts when I need to.”


He started down the hall.

Sometimes he could hear his father telling him he wasnothing. Wyatt was too weak to be his son. He wouldn’t survive and he shouldn’tbecause he was as useless as a daughter. A daughter, he’d been told, could atleast be married off to gain something for the club.

But he heard other voices now as he forced himself to takeeach step.

He heard Sabrina telling him she loved him.

Sawyer telling him they’re brothers. Though grudgingly.

He heard Alexei telling him he did not have to follow thelife script handed to him at birth. Alexei had told him how brave he’d been tobreak free, to have taken all the abuse and still be a decent, loving humanbeing.

Because he was unbreakable.

Four in. Hold for six. Exhale for eight.

He could do this.

But his performance had to be good. He knew exactly whatwould catch his brother’s attention.

He stumbled the last of the way to the main floor. For thebriefest moment, no one saw him, but he was able to take in the scene in frontof him. Lark was behind the bar. Good. He hoped she stayed there. Sabrina andSawyer were seated at a table in the middle of the room. Where anyone could getto them. It wasn’t ideal, but he had to trust Sawyer would know what to do.

Sabrina’s eyes came up and lit on him, widening as shestarted to stand, but Sawyer reached out and caught her arm. His hands were inzip ties but at least they weren’t behind his back. His brother wasn’t as bythe book as the deputies had been, and Wyatt hoped it was about to cost him.

Wyatt watched as Sabrina’s hand went into the pocket of herskirt, showing him the hilt of what he prayed was a knife. It didn’t looklarge, but it would get Sawyer’s hands free.

If the crowd was distracted.

“Wayne Kemp,” Wyatt yelled out.