The whole place went still, and sure enough every eye turnedhis way. He hoped he looked pathetic. He knew there was blood on his shirt. Itwas sticky where he’d bled from the head wound.
His brother moved from the pool table, hands on his hips ashe stared at Wyatt. “Where the hell are Murphy and Kick?”
He hadn’t known the other guy. “I killed them. And I’m goingto kill you.”
Wyatt started for his brother and prayed they all survivedthe experience.
Sawyer watched with a tight gut as Wyatt stalked toward hisbrother. His friend looked like hell, with blood staining his shirt and adefined bump on his head. Also matted with blood.
Wyatt had killed two men? Had he lost it? He didn’t looklike he had. Sawyer had seen Wyatt’s dark part many times, and this wasn’t it.He appeared calmer than he’d ever seen him in a situation like this. His eyeswere clear, and he looked over at Sabrina as though telling Sawyer silentlywhat he wanted him to do.
Save her.
He would if she would freaking let him. They were going tohave such a talk after this was over. Stef was right. He was going to slap acollar around her neck and follow her constantly because she was trouble. Somuch fucking trouble. Her ass was going to learn the word trouble.
“Sure you are, little brother,” Wayne said with a derisivechuckle. “I’m also pretty sure you didn’t kill anyone. You’re too calm to killanyone. You can’t do it on your own. Did you give them the slip? I’msurprised.”
Sabrina leaned over, her hand coming out to touch his thigh.
He cautiously glanced down and saw she held a paring knife.He was pretty sure it was Lark’s. She was particular about knives and alwayscomplained about the state of the ones in the bar. So Lark was playing alonglike Sabrina was. Good. The women were smart.
“Well, head down there and count the bodies, asshole,” Wyattchallenged.
Did Wyatt know he was being surrounded? The other members ofthe Horde were circling like a pack of wolves.
And no one had eyes on him and Sabrina. Even the assholethey’d put on the door was watching Wayne and Wyatt.
Sabrina leaned in as though afraid. She cried and put herhead down. The sight in front of her was simply too much for a small-townschoolteacher.
She used the ruse to start in on the zip ties.
Even in this situation he thought she was so fucking hot. Hewouldn’t blame her if she had cried out of pure fear, but no, his honeypretended so she could give them an important advantage. Lark pretended to bein love with him to give Sid and Gil a chance to run.
If they had an army of daughters, he would be cool with it.They could take over the world, and he would be there to fix them a drink aftertheir long days of taking down the bad guys.
“Go and check the supply closet,” Wayne said, nodding to twoof the men in the back. “It’s obvious someone fucked up.”
Where Henry and Elisa would even out the odds a little more.They’d gone in the back, and it was obvious they were already at work. He kepthis eyes up, but worked his wrists over the knife Lark had managed to get toSabrina.
Something was happening or Elisa wouldn’t have allowed Wyattto come out and face his brother. She would have tried to buy them more time.
Elisa would have gotten into the office and sent Gil and Sidto the roof and then down to safety. She would find a way to let Nate know whatwas going on.
Nate was going to be here. He would come in guns blazingbecause there was no other way to handle this situation. They’d mitigated thedamages as much as they could, but they were outnumbered.
He had to protect Sabrina and figure out how to get Wyattaway from his brother. If Wyatt was close when the shit went down, Sawyer knewhis brother would rather not go out alone. He would try to take Wyatt with him.
That son of a bitch had ruined Wyatt’s life enough. Hewasn’t going to take him down. He wasn’t going to take Wyatt. Sawyer neededWyatt because Wyatt seemed like a man who wouldn’t mind changing diapers, andSabrina was obviously a career woman who would need support.
No one was taking Wyatt because he was a part of Sawyer’sfamily.
And the diaper stuff. He wasn’t sure how good he’d be at thestinky part, but he was ready to face it because he wasn’t alone.
He would be if Wayne murdered Wyatt.
“You want to tell me where you actually stashed Dennis Hilland maybe we can talk about how fast I kill you,” Wayne offered.