Page 111 of Wild Bliss

Sure. Because men didn’t have schoolteacher fantasies. Yeah.She reached out for a napkin, dabbing at her eyes. “I love Wyatt. I fell inlove with him, and Sawyer was part of the deal.”

The last thing she wanted was the dude to decide gettingSawyer was a good idea.

“You prefer my brother over Sawyer?” Wayne asked.

She loved them both equally. It was odd because she could nolonger see one of them without the other. “Sawyer is handsome, but he’s not mytype. Wyatt is sweet and cares about the people around him. Sawyer can be aselfish prick, but he’s good in bed. Wyatt and I are going to leave him. Wyattthought he owed Sawyer, but I think we’ve more than repaid him. We were goingto tell him once we found a place to live.”

Best to let him think Sawyer didn’t matter at all.

“You listening, big guy?” Wayne looked over his shouldertoward the side entrance. “You tore down that mountain like she means somethingto you and guess what? She was playing you to get to little brother.”

Sawyer was here. Two big men were on either side of him, hishands together in front of him bound by a zip tie they’d definitely gotten tootight. Her heart sank. What had happened? He’d heard her say shitty things, andit would ruin them. And she couldn’t take them back without making them evenmore vulnerable.

“Yeah, I heard.” There was a dull note to Sawyer’s tone thatmade her ache. “I should have known. I guess I didn’t think Wyatt would do thatto me.”

Wayne pushed his chair back and stood. “You don’t know mybrother the way you think you do. My brother is a traitor. He’s a liar. Hecheats. He’s not the kind of man you risk everything for.”

But he was, and so was Sawyer.

“I don’t suppose you can let me go and we’ll call it alleven?” Sawyer asked. “I have zero problems marching right back up to my cabinand putting them both out of my mind.”

“Sure. And you wouldn’t call anyone,” Wayne mused. “Youshould know I took out the phone lines and have a cell phone jammer workingnow. Your safe room isn’t going to help.”

“Well, I don’t see the rest of my employees here, so it musthave done something,” Sawyer said with a smirk.

“Yeah, they’re locked in,” Wayne admitted, “but they can’tget a message out. I made sure of it. As for letting you go and brood over thefact that no one’s ever going to want you as part of their family, I’m going tohave to pass. I will admit, I thought bringing you in might help. I wasn’t surethe lady here is going to be able to take as much pain as I’m going to need toinflict in order to get my brother to talk. I thought you might be an extra goto when it comes to torture, but it seems he wants you out of the way.”

“I love you, Sawyer. You don’t have to be with her,” Larksaid.

Sawyer’s eyes widened in obvious surprise. “Really?”

“I’ll take care of Sawyer.” Lark nodded Wayne’s way. “I meanit feels like you owe me for not giving you trouble.”

Wayne stalked over to her. “Not making you part of thetorture is payment for what I owe you. See, my brother has many flaws, and oneof them is caring too much. I was thinking about starting with you and seeingif I even have to bring out the big guns.”

Lark had overplayed her hand.

“Hey, you don’t have to do any of this,” Sawyer said,pulling slightly away.

That was when he suddenly had a gun leveled at his face, andit took everything Sabrina had not to throw herself in front of him. Waynemoved in, stepping beside his guard. The whole place had hushed though thejukebox was still going. It felt like everything slowed down, and she reachedfor the knife.

“Stop,” Wayne said. “This isn’t the time to start shooting,boys. Sawyer, you want to tell me what you know about Dennis Hill?”

Sawyer’s expression went blank. “No idea. It happened longafter I left the Horde.”

“Ah, but you still had influence over my brother, didn’tyou?” Wayne Kemp hissed the question out. “You were still talking to him.”

“We played games online sometimes,” Sawyer admitted. “ButWayne, if you think I invited that little asshole to show up on my doorstep,you’re wrong. I liked living alone. I wasn’t looking for a kid brother. I’vehad enough of those in my life. And you need to seriously think about what canhappen when you hurt her. You haven’t done your due diligence when it comes toher kidnapping. You know she’s the schoolteacher, but you didn’t connect her toDeputy Leal? You honestly think you’re going to kill a cop’s sister and they’lllet you get away with it? Wright will take exception, and he’ll have morefirepower behind him than you can imagine. They won’t be satisfied until theyburn down everything you care about.”

“I don’t believe a word of it. Bliss is a town of hippiesand perverts,” Wayne said with a shake of his head. “They’re just good atmythmaking. And I’ll handle Wright if I need to. He’s been out of the DEA fortoo long. He’s nothing but a fat cat who spends half his time fishing.”

Okay, well, some of that was true. At least according to hersister. What was Sawyer trying to do beyond irritate the hell out of the manthey should be trying to soothe? “He’s not going to hurt us. He won’t have to.I’m sure Wyatt is going to tell him what he needs to know.”

And then he would kill Wyatt, but she was buying time.

“Sabrina, he doesn’t know anything,” Sawyer said,enunciating each word like she was a child who didn’t understand.

They were past this now. “I don’t know what he knows, but ifhe knows something, he’ll tell his brother.”