“Well, we should find out.” Wayne gestured toward Sabrina.“Bring him over here. I want them both in one place. Lark, another round. I’mafraid you’re going to have to settle for no one else having your man. I don’tthink he’ll survive the afternoon.”
Lark sniffled but turned and went back behind the bar.
Sawyer was shoved Sabrina’s direction, two big men forcinghim down into the chair. They stepped back.
“Now go and wake up my asshole brother,” Wayne said, smilinglike this was all one big party and he was having the time of his life. Larkbrought him a bottle of beer, and he tipped it Sabrina’s way as the two giantassholes walked toward the back of the building. “Tonight, the Horde acceptspayments for the debts of my brother.”
A cheer went up, and the Horde started partying. They’dbrought a couple of women with them. At least Sabrina hoped they weren’t womenwho got caught in the bar. They seemed perfectly comfortable with a bunch ofmen treating them like blow-up dolls.
“We’re going to have to do such a deep clean.”
She could barely hear Sawyer over the loud music but hesounded…not how she’d thought he would. Anxiety pounded at her. She wasn’t surewho she should be more worried about, and then there was the horrible thingsSawyer had heard. She leaned over as far as she dared. There were still eyes onthem. The fact that they gave them some space basically told Sabrina theydidn’t think they had a chance if they tried to run.
Wyatt definitely wouldn’t have a chance.
“I didn’t mean it,” she whispered Sawyer’s way.
He leaned over. “Didn’t? I can’t hear you, babe. I’mserious, though. What just happened on the back pool table? I don’t think wecan use it anymore.”
Why was he talking about this? “Sawyer, I didn’t mean it.”
“But I do. We’re going to have to clean,” he practicallyshouted before leaning in again and his voice going low. “Henry’s here. So isyour sister. Hang tight.”
Henry? They couldn’t get Nate? “I left a note. You didn’tfind it?”
“I don’t know about a note, babe. Keep calm,” Sawyerwhispered.
Sabrina took a deep breath and vowed to do whatever it tookto get them out of here.
* * * *
Wyatt lay on the floor, the concrete cold under his cheek,but it barely registered compared to the throbbing in his head.
That asshole had hit him, but not before he’d murdered twopolice officers and probably made it so it would look like it was him. Everyonewould believe it. No one would want to believe the former MC member over atrusted law enforcement officer.
It was so fucked up, and the only thing he could be slightlyhappy about was Sawyer had Sabrina, and he wouldn’t let her out of his sight.Sabrina would be safe no matter what. Sawyer would make sure of it.
Where the hell was he?
“Keep it down, buddy,” a low voice said. “I think if theydon’t turn on the lights, they might mistake me for the guy I killed. Sawyerkeeps a surprisingly clean supply room. I’m going to mention to Nell he’s usingvery earth-friendly products. I always knew he was a good man hiding behind awall of misanthropy.”
Yeah, his head hurt, and he wasn’t sure what Henry Flanderswas saying. And why was Henry Flanders in Sawyer’s supply closet, and why didit seem like there was some kind of dance party going on outside? Every musclehe had ached. He opened his eyes, trying to let them adjust to the low light,and the first thing he saw was a foot. Like a dead foot. At least it lookedlike it wasn’t going to be moving again.
Despite his unusual upbringing, he hadn’t been around a tonof dead bodies. It freaked him out, and he shoved himself up, palms flat on thefloor.
“Oh, sorry. Thought I got him wholly behind the paperproducts,” Henry said with a low chuckle as he dragged the dead dude back soWyatt couldn’t see him. “He’s a slippery fucker. Sometimes I wish rigor mortisset in earlier. Of course other times it happens way too fast like the time Ihad to stuff a Russian operative into a suitcase. It was rough going. How areyou?”
“I don’t… What’s happening?” The last thing he’d known hewas being taken to his brother. Now he was at Hell on Wheels. And he mightthrow up.
“Okay, I’ve got to be quiet because I’m pretty sure they’regoing to be in here any minute, unless your brother is a monologuing son of abitch, and then we’ve got some time.” Henry knelt down, and Wyatt could seehe’d put on the guard’s leather vest. He was roughly dressed the way the otherman had been, so he did have a shot if no one looked too closely. “Nate is onhis way, but he’s got to be careful because of the hostages. Elisa and I are inthe building. We came in where the security cams are down. She’s making her wayto the office where she hopes the employees took shelter when they realizedwhat was happening.”
Happening? What was happening? “We’re at Hell on Wheels?”
He asked the question despite knowing the answer. It was allaround him. He was in the supply closet, and they were talking about Sawyer’sbeloved bar being taken over by his brother and a bunch of criminal assholes.
Sawyer was never going to forgive him. Sawyer loved thisbar. It connected him to his grandfather. It was his hiding place from theworld.
Henry winced and moved in closer, his voice barely above awhisper. “Yes, we’re at Hell on Wheels. From what I can tell in the brief timeI’ve been here, I believe Wayne thinks everyone is going to be so freaked outby you not showing up in Creede they won’t think to look here. He’s going tosee what he can get out of you in the next hour or so, and then there’s an SUVcoming to transport you back to Colorado Springs.”