They’d had a knife against Wyatt’s vulnerable neck, and shecouldn’t tell if he was awake or unconscious.
She’d panicked. Her hands had been shaking as she’d writtena quick note on the notepad on the nightstand.Come to HOW. Bring cops.Nothing more. Had he even found the note? She should have texted, but if shehad hesitated for even a few more seconds and Wyatt died, she wouldn’t be ableto live with herself.
He had to find that note.
She was stupid. Even as she heard someone moving in front ofher, she knew she was in so much trouble.
Would Sawyer ever forgive her? Would he even try tounderstand?
Would it matter because she was pretty sure she was about todie.
Why was it so dark?
She held up her hands as she managed to make her way to thegravel covering the parking lot for the bar, which usually lit up the night,but someone had turned off the big neon sign and all the outdoor lights. Shecould still see the warm glow coming from inside, but it was quiet. Too quiet.
“Keep those hands up,” a deep voice said.
It took everything Sabrina had not to jump when the mantouched her. He wasn’t alone. A large man in jeans, a black T, and a leathervest moved in front of her.
“Stay calm,” the big guy advised. “No one’s going to hurtyou.”
“Not yet,” the asshole behind her said as he slid his handsover her sides as though looking for weapons they all knew she didn’t have.This was intimidation.
And perhaps a promise of things to come.
She was here to get Wyatt to talk. Sabrina bit her bottomlip as the jerk slid his hands over her ass. Sawyer had told her. He’dexplained all of this to her, and she’d still run without thinking. She’d stillput them in this position, and he would be right to never talk to her again.She was going to get them all killed.
She gritted her teeth as the asshole’s hands came up underher breasts.
“I don’t think she’s got any weapons on her,” the man said,and she could smell liquor on his breath. “But I could check some more. Yousure she took down a couple of men? I heard a rumor.”
“She did not,” came the terse reply. “She’s just some dumbbitch Wyatt’s fucking. Get her inside.”
She winced as she finally recognized the man who’d calledher a bitch. She had taken him down with a stun gun and likely didn’t wantanyone to hear that particular story again. “I’d like to see Wyatt.”
She was here, and she had to calm down. Panic had gotten herinto this terrible situation. Calm and logic would be her tools to get out. Toget both of them out. Sawyer would work it from the outside, but she couldn’tstand the thought of Wyatt being all alone with the wolves.
“You’ll see him soon enough,” the guy said, taking her arm.
She was jerked back and nearly stumbled as he dragged heralong.
What shape was Wyatt in? Was he conscious or would she haveto try to protect him while he was vulnerable?
She would do her best. She would give him as much time asshe possibly could because Sawyer would figure this out. He would come lookingfor her, check her phone, and know what she’d done. Then he would call ineveryone. Once he figured out they were here at the bar. Elisa would wait forbackup and then come in, and her sister and Sawyer would save them.
The door to the bar opened, and she was hauled in.
The bar where she’d made her stand and claimed her men wasnow taken over with Wyatt’s worst nightmare. The jukebox was playing an oldGuns N’ Roses song, and there were burly men shooting pool on the table whereshe’d… Well, they probably didn’t want to know how she’d christened thatparticular pool table. They were drinking beers, and she caught sight of Larkmoving through them.
Lark’s eyes widened as they hauled Sabrina in. She gaveSabrina a shake of her head which Sabrina decided meant she wanted them tothink they didn’t know each other.
“Sit.” The guy pulled out a chair and shoved her down. “Theboss is making a call. He’ll be with you in a minute. Hey, waitress. This oneneeds a drink. We need to loosen up for what we’re going to do to her.”
The other asshole winked down. “Don’t try to leave, darlin’.We’ll have to punish Wyatt if you do, and I don’t think he can take much more.”
Sabrina’s heart threatened to seize but she sank down to thechair.
“What the fuck, Sabrina?” Lark leaned over, her voice goinglow, and then she spoke as she normally would. “What can I get for you? MostlyI want to pour the pickle juice we keep over your head, bitch. We’ll see youget what’s coming to you for taking my man.”