He could use his reputation in this case. “I don’t havefriends, Wayne. You know it. I have Wyatt and I have her, and you have both ofthem. What did you threaten her with?”
He needed to get to wherever Sabrina had gone. Elisa andHenry could figure the rest of it out.
Because he did fucking have friends. He did belong in thisweird community. He was the sarcastic bastard who showed up for everyone in theend. Every group needed one. He was it.
“What do you think? I didn’t buy the you and Wyatt thing,”Wayne said over the line. “I know my brother, and he’s into women. So now Ihave his woman, but I’m thinking taking you in might save me some trouble. Wecan fix all of this, you know.”
Oh, he knew how Wayne would fix it. Wayne would fix it bykilling them all.
“I think that’s an excellent idea. Where do you want me?”Sawyer asked.
“Come down the road with your hands up. If my men see even ahint of a weapon, you’ll be the first one to die,” Wayne said.
And Sawyer heard it. There was music playing in thebackground. Guns N’ Roses. He’d had to put it in the jukebox for Taggart, andit had the slightest scratchiness to the sound since he had an old-school juke.
They were at Hell on Wheels.
His stomach churned. Lark and Sid were there. Gil would bethere. He prayed they were okay.
“I’m on my way.”
“Dump the cell, Sawyer,” Wayne warned. “Wouldn’t want peopleable to track you.”
Sawyer hung up. They would almost certainly move, but fornow Sawyer felt like they had the advantage again. He turned to Elisa andHenry. “They’re at Hell on Wheels.”
Henry nodded. “I’ll let Nate know, and Elisa and I willfollow.”
Elisa pulled a gun from her utility belt. “Take this,Henry.”
Henry’s head shook, his hands coming up. “Oh, no. Nell and Ihave an ironclad agreement. I’m supposed to try to kill in an earth-friendlyfashion. I’ll use my hands. I’m good with them.”
He kind of wished Henry would take the gun, but he’d heardstories. “I’m going to join them. If they’re smart enough to watch the cameras,there’s one out in the back. I haven’t fixed it yet. It’s near the bins. Youcrouch low enough and you can access the back door. It’s almost never locked.Gil smokes too much. Hopefully my staff figured out what was going on and gotinto the office. It’s like a safe room. I’ll give Elisa the code.”
“Uh, have we forgotten the kiddo?” Van asked. “Maybe Ishould go in Henry’s place.”
Because the thought of being murdered by MC riders wasapparently nicer than being left to take care of Poppy Flanders.
“Let her watch TV,” Henry said, starting for the side of theroad. “She never gets to and she’s fascinated. And no sugar. I’m serious, guys.She turns into a monster. Good luck.”
Henry stepped back, and Sawyer would have sworn the mandisappeared into the foliage. Elisa followed him but he could still get a hintof her.
He tossed his cell and jogged down the road.
It was time to save his family.
Sabrina was crying by the time she made it to the bottom ofthe road. She was still waiting for the sound of Sawyer running after her, butthe road was eerily quiet behind her.
Twilight had deepened to night, but there was still enoughlight for her to follow the road.
All she could see was the photo they’d sent her. She mightnever get it out of her head. She’d gotten to the bedroom and hauled out hersuitcase, and then her phone had dinged.
Wyatt. It had been from Wyatt’s number, and she’d known notto answer. Deep down there had been the instinct to treat the phone like it wasa hot potato. She should have given it to her sister or Sawyer, but she hadn’t.She’d prayed it was really Wyatt.
It hadn’t been a call. It had been a text, complete withphotographic proof they had Wyatt and could kill him at any moment.
The order had been plain. Come to Hell on Wheels. Don’tbring anyone or we’ll slit his throat.