Last night was a one-off. Once she’d taken that first step, asked him to go upstairs with her to the shower, she’d made herself a promise. For one night, she was going to ask for what she needed, take anything he was willing to offer her, and pretend that maybe Miguel could be hers to keep.
If he hadn't had to leave so early, Ella prayed she would have had the strength to stick to that plan. They wanted different things, they couldn’t work long term, that was something she had to keep at the forefront of her mind so she didn't allow those teeny feelings to grow.
Still, what she wouldn't give to have him there by her side as she climbed out of her car and squared her shoulders.
Just as she reached the door to the building, her phone beeped with a text, and when she fished it out of her purse she saw Miguel’s name. In the few hours since he’d left her house, they’d texted at least a couple of dozen times, and every time he sent her a message she smiled, a tiny ray of warmth and light hitting her bruised and battered soul.
So much for keeping things in perspective and remembering that Miguel wasn't looking for anything serious and she wanted the whole white picket fence fairytale. Again, she was grateful that he seemed to be able to keep a level head because she certainly couldn’t. Although knowing he was doing what was best for both of them when she couldn’t quite manage it only made her fall for him more.
You weren't supposed to be making
any rash big life decisions
Despite the clearreprimand in the words, Ella’s smile only widened.
It felt so nice to have someone looking out for her even if the only thing they were giving her was friendship. It was what she needed, and she was going to grab onto it with both hands and hold on. Hopefully, she could even convince Miguel to remain her friend even after things calmed down and she felt more stable and secure.
How do you even know what I'm doing?
Eyes everywhere, honey
You best remember that
His words warmed her again,and Ella typed out a quick response as she strolled into the building that had been such a big part of her life these last several years.
By eyes everywhere I assume you mean
you’re texting with the guys following me
I don’t give away my secrets ??
Seriously though, want me to come
right to Prey?
Can be there in 30
She did.
But she also knew that part of healing was going to be learning to stand on her own two feet and handle her life without a crutch.
Thank you but I got this
Maybe if you're not busy we
could do dinner tonight?