Page 52 of Fighting for Ella

Just take out or something easy

Standingon her own two feet or not, this was a big step, and even though she knew she wasn't going to change her mind, itwould still help to have a little company tonight because this was the end of an era and it hurt to be closing this door.


Are you sure about this?




I’ll be round at seven

Text me your favorite pizza toppings later

Good luck

Luck wasn't goingto make this any easier, but Miguel’s support did. Knowing she’d get to see him later helped even more. Before tonight she was going to make sure she had herself in check. There could be no more making out, no more falling asleep in his arms, but she could still enjoy his company and soak up some of that strength he seemed to have an endless supply of.

The foyer was quiet. Dora Hibbert, the receptionist, wasn't at the front desk, but since she hadn't yet handed in her letter of resignation and key cards she didn't need to be buzzed into the secure side of the building.

Sadness seemed to echo around her as she walked through the halls for the last time. There were so many happy memories there. Not just of spending time with her team, but memories of happy moments with the former SEALs who ran the West Coast office of Prey, and with the women of Artemis Team who hadall recently found love and peace after the man who had caused them so much pain had finally been caught.

Walking away was going to be harder than she imagined, even with the pain of knowing that they had all let her down softening the blow.

With a heavy heart, she knocked on the open door of Fox’s office and took a step inside. Since Fox had been the leader of the SEAL team, he was the unofficial top dog of the West Coast office even though technically all six guys had the same position.

When his dark eyes met hers, she saw the pain and guilt there. Felt it filling the room. It was so potent that for a moment, Ella second-guessed herself. If the guys felt bad about letting her down, could she find a way to get past it and stay at Prey?


Don’t back out now.

You just feel bad because you hate when others are upset.

This time you have to do what's best for you.

Her mental pep talk did the trick. Reminded her of her own needs. She’d only been home a day, there had been zero time for her to even begin processing the fact that she had almost been raped several times, or that she’d killed Raul Castillo before he could keep her locked away as his own personal toy.

When that happened, she wouldn't have the mental energy it would take to figure out a way forward with the people she had considered a family.

Fox’s gaze moved to the envelope in her hand and if she’d thought the level of guilt in the room was strong before, it crescendoed until it was almost overwhelming. Again, her resolve wavered but she quickly strengthened it before she could say something stupid like she was making a mistake.

“Don’t do this, please,” Fox said, the usual confidence in his tone lacking.

“I have to,” she whispered, crossing the room on shaky legs to set the envelope on his desk.

“We messed up. Big time.”

Ella nodded, fighting back tears. It helped a little to know he wasn't pretending otherwise but it didn't erase the gaping hole in her chest at knowing her people had so quickly believed she would betray them all.

“I messed up. I'm the one who should have known better, I'm the one everyone looks to for leadership. If I'd believed in you the way Eagle did, the others would have as well.”

“I know I set it up to make it look believable, but for some reason, I thought only the mole would think I really stole the drug. That was silly of me.”

Scraping his hands down his face Fox sighed. A deep, sorrowful sound that made her want to say something to make things better for him.