Using her hands, she pressed her palms to the ground and shoved herself up into a sitting position.
The world did what felt like a couple of sickening loops around her and the pain in her head was almost so bad she just sunk back down and gave up, but something urged her to keep going.
It was important.
Waking up.
Figuring things out.
Keep going.
Balancing her weight as best she could on one of her hands, with her other hand, Ella felt around for something she could use as leverage to get to her feet. When her palm brushed across something sharp, she winced and snapped her eyes in the direction of whatever had caused her pain and startled in surprise when she could see again.
Her eyes had been closed.
That’s why she couldn’t see. She wasn't blind, she just hadn't thought to check if her eyes were open.
Feeling stupid by the blunder, and also worried—if she wasn't even aware enough to know if her eyes were open or closed that could not be a good thing—Ella looked around her. It really was dark, but not the pitch black of before. She could see piles of what looked like rubble all around her, dust was in the air, and slowly memories filtered back into her mind.
The mole at Prey. The concert. The bomb. Running so no one else got caught in the explosion. Miguel calling her name. Telling him to stay back. Dora’s growl that it was all over. Being lifted off her feet and then slammed back down into the ground. Then … nothingness.
When Dora set off the bomb and Ella had been caught up in the explosion, she must have hit her head.
She had a concussion.
It was the only way to explain the shooting pain between her eyes and the grogginess and confusion.
Still, she had to get up.
Had to find out if Dora was dead.
The bomb had been strapped to her so she had to be since the force of the explosion would have started right around her body. But she had to check. Had to be sure. Had to know if it really was over.
And Miguel.
What if he …?
She couldn’t let herself go there.
He was far enough away that he wouldn't have been killed or seriously injured when it went off.
He had to have been.
Because there was no way she could handle it if he’d been hurt or worse because he was coming to her rescue.
Somehow, Ella found the strength to get to her feet, although she swayed so badly it was a wonder she didn't fall right back down again.
Dora had been close when the bomb went off, she had to be somewhere nearby now. All she had to do was check the woman was dead and then find her way back to Miguel.
Only it felt so much harder than it sounded.
Her legs didn't want to cooperate, and she was so dizzy that remaining upright took almost all the energy she had left. Plus, debris was everywhere, and she kept stumbling over it in the dark.