It wasn't until her foot bumped into something softer than the piles of concrete and wood all around her that she realized she’d found Dora.
Even in the dark, she could see the blood.
The woman had to be dead.
There was no way there could be so much blood and she was still breathing.
Unable to bring herself to touch the body, Ella kept moving.
Get to Miguel.
Miguel is safe.
Miguel will make everything better.
Get to Miguel.
The words ran in a loop in her mind as she shuffled slowly forward, moving barely an inch at a time.
Her name floated to her through the darkness.
It sounded like Miguel.
Calling to her.
If he was yelling for her then that meant he was alive. That he was okay.
Relief had her knees buckling and she threw her hands out to catch herself before she could fall. Ella knew that if she fell, she wouldn't be getting back up. Already she was hovering precariously close to unconsciousness.
“Ella, if you can hear me, I need you to answer me, honey,” Miguel called out. The fear in his voice was so potent that it sank down into her, stoking her own fears.
She had to answer him.
Had to let him know she was alive.
Only when she opened her mouth, no sound came out.
She had to try. Miguel was worried and she could make it better.
“Miguel,” she croaked, continuing to move in the direction his voice had come from.
“Ella? Was that you, honey? Say my name again.” Alongside the fear there was a command in his voice she was powerless to disobey.
“I'm h-here,” she mumbled.
“I hear you, honey. I hear you. Just hold on, okay? We’re getting to you as quickly as we can.”
The relief in his voice gave her a small injection of strength and she reached a wall of rubble. On the other side she could hear voices. Not just Miguel’s but several voices.
“Miguel,” she whispered, resting her palms against the debris.
“Just here, honey. I'm coming, okay? Are you hurt?”